Turnigy action cam FPV setup problems

I am currently at a loss as to what my next step is at getting the following system working. Help!

I have the Quanum FPV setup and have it working with the camera that comes with it. The problem I have is when I change the camera out and use a recently Hobby King purchased Turnigy Action Cam (not the wifi version). I have the USB video out cable for the action cam.

There is a plug that connects to the original camera and has three wires,,,,,red,,,,yellow,,,,and black. I have the yellow wire spliced to the white wire from the action cam video out cable. And I have the black one spliced to the green wire out of the action cam video out cable. (And yes,,,,during my attempts,,,,,the original camera is unplugged). I power up the receiver and video screen,,,,,,,,,,as well as the transmitter. The USB video out cable is plugged into the action cam. I power up the cam,,,,,,go to the setup screen and toggle to TVMode and select "on" and press the "okay" button. The screen goes black as it should and the yellow light on the top of the cam is lite indicating standby mode. But I look into the video view box and I see nothing but a snowy screen and it says no signal.

I don't know what to try next. I have watched all the videos I can find but am stumped. And again remember,,,,,,I can re-hook up the Quanum camera and I see a picture on the screen telling me the system is working. Thoughts?