Twin Cities, Minnesota Area Flyers

Anyone out there? Been out of flying for a little while but after finding Flite Test I find myself motivated to get back into it. I am located in Rockford, and fly at parks around by me. This spring I will be flying at Control Freaks flying field in Delano. Winter is getting long and boring at this point, wondering if there are any others wanting to get together to do some bench flying, building, or flying.
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"That guy"
I'm in Minneapolis, and just recently joined one of the local clubs. They have meetings at a Golf dome in the winter, followed by indoor flying for a couple hours. Last I was there, there were a few FT minis floating around, (as well as loads of other planes and quads) and fun was had by all.


"That guy"
Been flying with a good group of guys and gals out at Airfield51. Very FPV friendly trying to get some 250 quad races going out there also.

It would be nice if they posted a location on their facepage site...

I'd even stop down there if it wasn't too far out.

Also, 250 races... are you trying to get this going outside of this place too? Curious if we've already met and don't know it.
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Formation Flyer
For more Minnesota and Twin Cities flying also check out it's a great group of folks! We're all about education, networking, being safe, and having fun with this stuff. We try to have a meeting once a month to talk about pertinent drone or SUAS topics like legal stuff, where to fly, autonomous flying, 3d mapping, and FPV. We also have fly days once every two weeks or so throughout the summer.

- jim


Hey Gents,

Looks like I am mid point along the map betwitx MPLS, STpaul, Delano and, well, Rochester. In Burnsville here. Anyone still active?

5:00 Charlie

Build Fly Crash Rebuild
Twin Cities South metro

I am in the twin cities! I'll look up some of the things you guys are talking about. Sounds like fun

I'll try and resuscitate this thread with ya, Warbird! I'm South metro and always looking for cool places to fly and people to fly with. I'm not the biggest fan of organized clubs that require memberships, etc...but definitely like some good ol' freestyle with fun people.


...Because I was inverted
I am south Metro. Anyone else do the Edina UAS Permit? Lexington-Diffley Athletic Fields has some decent space.


New member
I live in Apple Valley and I typically fly at Falcon Ridge Middle School or Eastview High School if anybody wants to meet up and fly or do any builds. I am actually at college right now in the Upper Penninsula but I will be back at the beginning of May, just in time for good flying weather hopefully. I have a bunch of Ft planes and various quads, along with my 300% (~8ft) Bloody Wonder that you may have seen in combat at FFE'16&17.


Master member
I am from Wisconsin any of you going to the TCRC swap meet Feb 3 my nephew and I will be there?

Last year towards the end of the auction my nephew made a killing bought 4 planes complete ready to fly minus receiver for $20 each.
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New member
I'm in Eden Prairie. Just bought a little Tiny Whoop drone not that long ago and the fixed wings are calling my name. I think I'm going to pick up a Bixler 2 or other trainer and probably build an FT Simple Cub. Looking for recommendations on good places to fly near me. I visited Grassfield RC and that was very nice with friendly people who greeted me and helped with my questions so I may join there, but would still like to know places closer to home for going out on a whim and not needing to make it an expedition.

Does anyone fly at parks or schools in the West metro?


Dumont, Welcome aboard. I do know there is a field in Jordan, but I don't know when the club there meets. I have seen someone flying locally at the High School in Waconia. I didn't get to speak with him as he was pretty intense in his 3D acrobatics at the time and didn't appear that he wanted to stop.