Well, I just resurrected this quad so I may as well resurrect the thread to go with it
The DYS motors in the old 230 just finally got to me. Add in some flaky RX issues and a lack of batteries and the 230 started shedding the motors that still ran halfway decently to mini planes.
Then I got an offer to try some new 2204 motors and wanted to put them on the 230. Except the 230 still had a nanowii board and I didn't feel like dealing with an 8 bit board anymore. So the motors went on my 250 Nighthawk and and the Nighthawk's 1806's were available for the 230.
Still not in a hurry to put them on because of the RX and FC issues.
Then Balu surprised me with a Sparky2 to experiment with. The 440mhz antenna for the sparky2's built in radio would look silly on the 230, but would be nice on the 250. So that frees up the Naze32 on the 250 to swap over to the 230. 230 still has it's sat RX so should be an easy swap with everything covered.
Except the emax motor wires are enameled with a non-heat stripable enamel
And the spek sat gave me some issues:
And I got my motor numbering mixed up even worse than normal:
Tossed on some King Kong 6x4.5's because they're handy (and maybe the lower thrust will play nicer with the 1806's. These poor motors have been swinging HQ and FC 6x4.5's their whole life so maybe they KK's will be a nice way for them to ease into retirement.)
Then I did my first tune:
Yuck. That can't be right:
Tau 4.10 ms
Predicts 19981
Spilled 0
Bias Gain Noise
Roll 0.00957004 5.65233 3044.12
Pitch 0.0147093 4.93797 2469.14
Yaw 0.0289964 7.43809 982.489
4.1ms tau isn't actually possible with the current autotune. So that's obviously a bad tune. But the noise figures are the highest I've ever seen which is another sign of a bad tune.
I didn't even bother to look at the generated PID's because there's no way it's a valid tune.
Then I remembered. I wasn't on the default PID's. I was on my tune from when this board was on the 250 with 2204's.
Reset all the PID's and ran autotune again:
Well that's more realistic:
Tau 28.00 ms
Predicts 19982
Spilled 0
Bias Gain Noise
Roll 0.011973 10.0921 83.6512
Pitch 0.0106513 10.0137 105.77
Yaw 0.0278194 6.3632 1021.88
I was actually expecting tau of mid thirties but noise values on P/R are ok so I gave it a try.
And this little guy has never been this smooth before. Super Silky. Not as punchy as I'd like but I'm sure that's the props. I really miss flying this little guy. Maybe I do have to do one of these micro brushless builds....