Water Resistant Foam Board - First Impressions and Question


So I got 50 pieces of the new water resistant foam board from Graupner (the EU reseller). I really looked forward to it, as laminating the white stuff with tape is one of the most annoying part of building planes.

After opening the box, I jumped directly into building. As expected, the material had some differences to the white stuff. The surface is more waxy and the paper does not peel of that easy. While pealing the paper off on purpose holding it in a very flat angle (close to the foam) helps a lot. Another difference: tape doesnt stick that good even with sanding it a little bit first. But other than that, the foam handles pretty much the same as the old stuff.

The only big downside in my opinion is the color. The brown is just ugly ;). So I went to a local store, got a yellow spray can and started some testing. To my surprise, I got the best results when I sprayed directly on the board, without sanding it a little bit first. Iirc there was an episode where josh told us otherwise. Does anyone know why sanding should be the better option? The part without sanding has a clearer color tone, does not peel of and is as sturdy to water as the other one...

The second question I have is to the general shape of the foam board. It is curved. And not a little bit as the old one was. It is curved a lot. Sadly I did not pay enough attention before building so I didnt realized how bad it was up front. As I didnt have much space on my desk I cut the board to smaller pieces before cutting out wings and stuff, so I didnt lay a full board on a flat surface before I finished my first ft-3d. Though I cut and glued everything pretty exact, the wings where quite off as both wings are twisted (opposite sides of course..). When checking the boards I realized the problem, which bugged me even more as I cut out two ft-3ds at the same time before building the first one.

Has anybody had similar issues with their boards as well? And are there any solutions to get the foam in shape? For now I pulled a few sections out and put them back in reversed. Hopefully it will somehow bend itself back.

Thanks for your help in advance,


Still Learning
I haven't noticed any twists in sheets of WR-FB. I usually pull from the middle of the box so I get the same moisture content on both sides.

I haven't painted any yet.

The brown may be ugly, but I found it difficult to see white planes in the sky and maintain orientation. I had much less trouble seeing the WR plane. But, I am also comparing a Simple Storch made from WR and a Tiny Trainer made from DTFB. So, the shear size of the wing could have played role.



I think both, color and size, are a factor.

Sadly all the sheets in my box have the same curve. It got a little bit better over night. I will put more weight on top op them tomorrow, don't want to stress it and damage them.

Ron B

Posted a thousand or more times
I got a sbk guinea pig with the w/r foam and may have got a bad batch but paper was trying to peel off while still building and a lot of trouble with tape sticking. I paint up my planes but was so tired of this stuff that I gave it to a friend as it was.
all my planes since have been the old foam


Sadly mine do not look good either.. the curve is still there, even after nearly two weeks of 'flattening' them. If this doesn't change the whole box is useless for building planes..

don't have problems with the paper as long as Im not using acrylic based color spray.