What did you crash today


Well-known member
My BW2 had a bit of a hard vertical landing. After I got a bit overconfident, something snapped and it went in to a straight dive. Ripped out the control horns from the control surfaces on the wing. Building a new nose as I type.



Well-known member
And every crash comes withe the opportunity to try something new. On the previous build I introduced a nozzle to increase airflow through the power pod for cooling the esc. I did the because on my first Wacker there was not enough air to cool the esc and it eventually got heat issues.

This time I changes the design to bigger round nozzles. Lets see how they do.


Well-known member
Quick question: It appears that I am having issues when doing „high G“ maneuvers. For example, when I am doing a loop, on the last bit of the loop shortly before leveling again, the Whacker suddenly starts violently pulling up and for a moment can hardly be controlled. I have had that before but could not think of any reason for that. However, it looks like the rubber bands are sort of getting loose (in particular in warm whether) and that the wing is moving a bit, which then seems to result in a different angle of attack of the wing vis a vis the fuselage. Will use the next flight to see whether new rubber bands solve the issue. Nonetheless, I am wondering whether the wing should somehow be bolted to the fuse. Any ideas?