Almost new


I guess back from visiting in 2019….Never did get started & then family & Covid showed up. So to start I tried sorting through the what radio question & ended up with a flysky FS-i6X. Not much difference between the 6-10 chanels & seems a decent starter radio, without spending extra to find I can’t fly. My question is about what reciever(s) for the simpler 3 & 4 chanel model Aircraft? I built a few Tiny Trainers to get started.….figuring I will crash a few. I am sure after I will move on to trying to navigate the batteries & crargers issue.


Elite member
You can’t go wrong with the FS-IA6B. Even people who use more expensive radios like the TX16s like this receiver. It’s pretty bullet proof.

However, you can save money and get these little micro receivers. They’re usually about $5 each. I’ve used several and they’ve been good. Super light too, great for keeping the weight down in a tiny trainer.



Oh that looks like a great option…..Many Thanks for pointing that out. Will pop over & get a few….I see I will have to practice my soldering though (been a few years 😜).


Well-known member
FS-i6X- These transmitters are sold in 2 versions: 6 channels and 10 channels.My friend bought this equipment in the 6-channel version. I flashed its transmitter with a 10-channel version and now it has enough channels to control 2 video cameras on the model.


FS-i6X- These transmitters are sold in 2 versions: 6 channels and 10 channels.My friend bought this equipment in the 6-channel version. I flashed its transmitter with a 10-channel version and now it has enough channels to control 2 video cameras on the model.
Yes bought the 10 chanel version….only a small difference…