Wing construction Glide Tests - kfm-2 vs FT folded vs hotwired


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I did some not very scientific tests of 3 wing designs to see how well they glided.

To me it looks like the kfm-2 and FT folded had similar performance, however the hot wired wing seems to win out over both with what looks like about 1/2 the drop for the given distance.

If I wanted to get this really well done, I would need to setup a fixed camera stand and some sort of launcher, so the launches were as identical as possible.


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hardware store wall insulation, had it around from table top terrain crafting
by hand with jigs on a hotwire machine, depending on how this goes, I could see myself building a CNC hot wire cutter.


In my experience, a proper airfoil wing will out preform a FT wing, which will will out preform a KF wing of similar design. The aspect ratio and thickness of the wing have a major effect on the performance. It all depends on what you want, speed, heavy lift or endurance. There is no one wing that will best in all three categories.
Perfect addition to this forum. If amped up a bit, could be the most helpful thread in a while. Need more execution! I'd love to see the exact same thing x4 or 5. No need to make it too scientifically accurate/repeatable/precise, just a bunch of examples to help define a result. Do another run!


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Yah, not to hard to control most variables. However the throw is less then perfectly repeatable without some sort of launch system.

The hotwired wing is also the stiffest with the 2 cf spars top and bottom. I can put more stress on it then I would dare on either of the other two wings.