Wow, I somehow missed this thread until today. Great job, guys!
I built my skis for the Storch 4 years ago. At first, I wasn't using any retention mechanism at all, the skis were hanging down from the LG axles. I made sure to make them slightly tail-heavy, and that was more than enough to keep them stable in the air. I think the Storch is flying too slow to cause any weird behavior of the unsupported skis; but I also have to agree it doesn't look very nice. You can read all about the design and see how the skis actually look and behave in this article:
In this article, you may also notice a very over-engineered way to support the skis: a custom-made spring that is supposed to be winded over the landing gear leg. It seemed to be a very brilliant idea at the time; and it does work as expected. I have to admit I wouldn't do that again
but on the other hand, supported skis look much better. You can see it (along with some additional lights) in the video attached to this article:
About the ski size vs snow type: my skis are slightly smaller than Arcfyre's, and they work perfectly fine on anything other than the very fresh powder-like snow. It's enough to have the snow sit for one day (or even just the night) and it gets "hard" enough to fly. I had more problems flying from "wet" snow (just below freezing point) because it had a tendency to stick to the skis; but other than that I never had to stop flying due to underperforming skis.
Good luck, and have fun!