Help! X-29 EDF Conversion


Well-known member
I have quickly fallen in love with my FT X-29, and I feel like changing out the current c-pack motor for an EDF could make it even better. However, I'm not sure how I would go about doing that. There isn't really an obvious place to cut, and the build guide has you building around the fan. Is it worth potentially ruining the plane I already love, or should I bite the bullet and spend the extra $90 to make a whole new one?


Legendary member
shuouldnt be a difficult case... jut mount/fit the EDF in mid/end of main fuselage that the build video starts with.
In thwe FT build movie, they even show installation of EDF at 01:22:00


Legendary member
You would have to use some rubbing alcohol on a paper towel to soften up the glue around the center section which may make the paper peel so you may need to tack it back down. Then the installation is pretty dang simple


Well-known member
You would have to use some rubbing alcohol on a paper towel to soften up the glue around the center section which may make the paper peel so you may need to tack it back down. Then the installation is pretty dang simple
Thanks! I had forgotten about the rubbing alcohol trick, so I was worried about cutting the glue. I still have the pieces from the speed build kit, so I should be able to take off the wing and back piece, then just follow the instructions from there. I already have to repair peeling paper on all of my planes every few flights, so that's not much of a concern.


Well-known member
So, looking at Matthew's thread, I think I'll be sticking with the pusher for now. You get longer flight times and easier launches at the expense of some top speed. I'll probably build a plane with an EDF at some point, but I'm going to keep enjoying this one the way it is for now.


Well-known member
So, guess who ended up converting her X-29 to an EDF. I went to fly with the group I usually go with, and one of the guys brought a radar gun. Turns out the Arrow can hit about 70 mph and the X-29 as a pusher tops out at only 55 mph. Everyone at the field agreed that it needs a little more top end. I stopped at my friend's house on the way back, and he gave me a 70mm EDF with a 4400kv motor, as well as a 60A esc.

After a fairly invasive surgery, we're up and running, and it seems promising. This thing doesn't make a ton of static thrust, but the air coming out is moving insanely fast for a 4s setup. I'm hoping we can break triple digits with it, which we will find out about next time the radar gun is available. Test flight should be within the next few days, and I will report back then.



Well-known member
One more thing: this plane looks so much better without a prop hanging off the back. I had no idea it would make that much of a visual difference, but now I'm really glad I did the conversion. I still don't know how well it flies, but the guy who gave me the motor is pretty experienced with EDF jets, and he said it should easily break 100, potentially into the 120's if we're lucky. That sounds great to me, but I am a little worried about how well it'll hold up at those kinds of speeds. I'll run it as is for now, but I may eventually reinforce the wing with a carbon spar.

The Hangar

Fly harder!
One more thing: this plane looks so much better without a prop hanging off the back. I had no idea it would make that much of a visual difference, but now I'm really glad I did the conversion. I still don't know how well it flies, but the guy who gave me the motor is pretty experienced with EDF jets, and he said it should easily break 100, potentially into the 120's if we're lucky. That sounds great to me, but I am a little worried about how well it'll hold up at those kinds of speeds. I'll run it as is for now, but I may eventually reinforce the wing with a carbon spar.
I can’t wait to see how fast it goes - good luck!

L Edge

Master member
I would suggest you put a carbon spar in the wings so that don"t fold it and the other thing to watch out is fluttering of the wing. I built two swept wings forward and there will be bending and torsion on those wings if you get the 3 digit speed.


Master member
MIGHT also need a gyro. I don't think it will break 80 mph, I think youre actually flying slower than what the radar gun says if you fly over it. ( triangle hypotenuse )


Well-known member
Update: I took some of your advice and added a carbon spar. It's secured with white Gorilla Glue because carbon and heat don't get along well. I will be touching up the paint soon, but that'll wait until after the test flight.


Well-known member
Please ignore both the state of my workbench and how the spar ended up not being lined up that well.


Well-known member
That was a good place to put it. It will reduce the chance of bending and some torsional stresses.
Thanks! It's the longest straight line across the wing, which is why I chose that spot. I hope it'll help with the twisting, so now the only things I'm worried about are how twitchy it'll be at high speeds and the potential for flutter with hot glue hinges. The twitchiness can be resolved with a lower rate and some more expo, and I'll be sure to watch for flutter and not push it too far if I see any.

L Edge

Master member
Thanks! It's the longest straight line across the wing, which is why I chose that spot. I hope it'll help with the twisting, so now the only things I'm worried about are how twitchy it'll be at high speeds and the potential for flutter with hot glue hinges. The twitchiness can be resolved with a lower rate and some more expo, and I'll be sure to watch for flutter and not push it too far if I see any.

Be sure you launch with a 10to20 degree angle and you will find roll is going to be fast, make wide turns(don't yank and bank) and keep some power on approaching landing. When you are about 1 foot above ground, chop power and flare landing. Always check inlet after landing to see if any wet or dry grass, pebbles, trash is in it. Start up with junk in it and it will wipe out your blades.

Your speed won't be that fast(pull back to about 3/4 throttle if uncomfortable) and trim out. Don't stay too long to allow a go around if you screw up the landing approach. Focus, don't panic.


Well-known member
This plane's roll rate was already ridiculous, so I think I'll be dialing back my rates in general before flying it on the fan. Do you think I should set my battery alarm higher or lower than I would with the pusher? I would think this setup would draw enough to see more of a drop in voltage under load.