Curious what sort of spar situation you are looking at. As your folds are showing that span-wise you are using the weak length of the foam grain. Not doubting your mad ski11z, just offering a consideration.
Since I'm expecting relatively light total wing loading, thanks to the massive total area, I'm not planning on a lot of reinforcement. Also, think about how the wing is attached and supported; it sits on top of the inlet/fuse/body volume. So there's really only maybe half of the 'mid' wing that is unsupported outboard of the side-of-body joint, and the body itself will act like an under-wing-box. I will probably put in at least one main spar that will span the center-wing-join, and go out to where the main gear attach, because that will be a pretty strong point-load.
For the wingtips, I'm still sorting out exactly how I'm going to actuate and support them properly, but yes; there will be some additional "something" in the wingtips for the folding loads.