

    Another RID Video

    Fun vid. Not cheap enough.
  2. NickRehm

    Thoughts on FAA restrictions for RC aircraft

    Hi All, Just thinking out loud about the upcoming demise of our hobby as a result of over-regulation due to the rise in self-flying 'drones.' What if a distinction could be made in any of the legislation between RC aircraft and these self-flying drones that anyone can get at walmart? There is...
  3. FoamyDM

    Night Flying becomes LEGAL, an FAA NPRM 2020 Thank you

    Upon compliance with FAA Remote ID Proposed remote ID, https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2019/12/31/2019-28100/remote-identification-of-unmanned-aircraft-systems We will be able to legally fly our Planes at night! Without needing some special sanction. So long as Pilot and plane can be...
  4. R

    wohoo! work on laws is on its way!

    think every one will dig into the first topic here: https://youtu.be/nKI2InhHDcM :p
  5. Q

    FAA Part 107

    Has anyone found a training course for the FAA Part 107 at a reasonable cost?
  6. Snarls

    FAA Releases Drone Registration Location Data

    For anyone who wants to have a look. The state/province and zip code of every FAA registered drone owner. No street numbers or names are given so don't worry about your security being lost. Most places have dozens of registrations so you won't be singled out either. It's pretty interesting to...
  7. HilldaFlyer

    Write to your senator

    I just ran into this... I think it is worth your consideration and effort to keep FAA from regulating the RC hobby. They already have enacted a regulation for mandatory registration of model aircraft. Here is yet another step... If the proposed bill is enacted, the FAA will be establishing best...
  8. Centus

    Hallelujah! We're legal again!

    Via AMA member email: "DC SFRA Back Open to Model Aircraft!" :applause: AMA Email Text
  9. F

    Call the FAA and let them know ( Max height test )

    I cant do this I live within 3 miles of Niagara Falls Airbase!!! Lets see an episode where you take any drone and lets put some sorta super range extender on it and the radio, send it straight up, with an altimeter, (Hi my name is Mr Timiter; Mr. Ale Timiter, I'm a test pilot.) and either...
  10. D

    AMA words on FAA registration

    AMA recommends you hold off registering until the deadline in February. They are asking you to contact FAA. Here is the link to the letter from AMA dated December 28, 2015...
  11. tbaucom

    Do you think the general public view multi-rotors and fixed-wings differently?

    Just a question - With all the hype about FAA drone registration, what do you think the average person (who is not in the hobby) considers a drone? Do they view multi-rotors differently than fixed-wing aircraft? From what I've seen in the media, all the current coverage seems to be focused on...
  12. M

    I'm having issues registering with FAA

    Hello, I have tried to figure out a solution to this issue, but have not found any. I tryed to register my Tricopter and Dragonfly, but after getting an email with the verification link, I can't log in, it gives me a "Invalid" error, Has anyone else had this issue? Any help would be greatly...
  13. Andre

    098 The FAA debacle

    098 The FAA debacle Join Chris,Wayne,Mike and special guest Fred Provost as they discuss the biggest topic in the RC flight community,the Federal Aviation Administration's new small UAS Registration rule. Make sure to check out the article that Austin posted called FAA RC registration FAQ for...
  14. VolksRocket

    Aerospace Vehicle Operation Guidelines

    Hi, Here is a minimum set of Aerospace Vehicle Operation Guidelines for RC and AC to follow and comment on. We have been using these for over 30 years. 1. Aerospace Vehicles will be operated in such a manner as to give way to any other Aerospace Vehicle. 2. Aerospace Vehicles will be operated...
  15. VolksRocket

    AVIN (Aerospace Vehicle Identification Number)

    Hi, Just want to let everyone know that we are actively working to protect YOUR RIGHT to pursue your happiness, safely. As we exercise and protect OUR RIGHT to fly in OUR AIRSPACE, it is necessary for everyone to create or acquire an AVIN for each of their vehicles. AVINs are used in...
  16. Captain

    Raphael Pirker - Thorn in the side of the FAA, Ruining their 2014.

    Couldn't find a place for this on the forum, but thought It may be an interesting read for some and a topic for discussion! Raphael Pirker, Commercial drone pilot who was fined $10,000 for undertaking a 'reckless' flight using a foam unmanned aircraft (I would call it a drone but I'm not fond...
  17. D

    Aerial Photography Rules - What's really allowed?

    Before I found Flite Test, I bought a multirotor, and then a camera and FPV gear. My intent from the start was to start a hobby business of Aerial Photography. I see it as a possible easy way to stay connected with the hobby, and earn income when I retire. I am a Scouter. A Scouter is an Adult...
  18. BridgeInspector

    NOTAM/TFR Issued for Knoxville, TN - 1/9 (aka no fly zone - including radio control)

    Just received this via email. President is in town Friday so I can not fly. A FAA NOTAM/TFR has been issued for the greater Knoxville, TN metropolitan area for Friday, 1/9, from 11:30a until 4:30p EST. The TFR is issued for security purposes to cover VIP movement in this area. Outdoor radio...
  19. Lorenzo

    FAA May Require Licenses to Fly Commercial Drones

    I'm going to go ahead and guess that the majority of the Flite Test community leans toward the "less regulation is better regulation" side of the issue, but I won't assume. So, what do y'all think? Dec. 9, 2014 - FAA May Require Licenses to Fly Commercial Drones by Brian Naylor...
  20. G

    FAA Can Make All Model Aircraft Flights Illegal, Federal Court Rules

    NTSB appeals court rules against Trappy. Says FAA does have jurisdiction of model aircraft. FAA can consider any model aircraft flight under 500' reckless and apply rules that were meant for full size aircraft to RC pilots. UHG!!!! Anyone know about NTSB rules, I thought they were only allowed...