I think it's a safe bet that there will be another Balsa Build Along for 2018/2019 so I'm stocking up on a couple potential candidates. There were a couple guys somewhat local who were thinning their fleets and I couldn't pass up the opportunities.
First is a plane I know won't be part of the build along, a short kit for the Ziroli designed Stuka dive bomber (German WWII). This would be too ambitious to attempt in a short time span, as it's a fairly big plane. A balsa ARF of the P-40 Warhawk came from the same seller. It appears to have been made (or sold?) by a company called Jamara and I could find no good info on it. Much of the box is in German, and instructions in English. Quality of the kit looks better than any other I've built as an ARF, but this one wouldn't fit the theme of the build-along.
Today I met another guy and picked up 4 kits. Turns out one of them was garbage as it wasn't complete (my fault for not checking more closely). It's a Sig Riser glider and was extra cheap with the other gear I got, so I'm not upset. The seller told me he wasn't sure if it was all there or not and recommended I look, but I was in a hurry.
A second glider purchased is the Top Flite Metrick, a 2 meter size bird. This could be fun to try my hand at using a high-start launch.
Then we get into the more obscure kits... First is by Mile High Models, an .049-ish size plane called the Joy Stick. This would be a cool little plane to do some kit-bashing with, and instructions show how to do it as a trike or tail-dragger, and the entire fuselage can be flipped upside down to go from low-wing to a "stick" style plane. The last plane is the Scat Cat 500 by Flite Line. This is a pylon-racer style plane designed for a .40 glow engine.
There are a few other kits in my stash that may get picked, and a few other planes that could get the "restoration" treatment. Right now I'm leaning towards either the Scat Cat 500 or the Joy Stick, but that's subject to change 30 more times before the build along begins!