FTFC24: Buildruary Build-off Challenge


Building Fool-Flying Noob

February is Build-Ruary Month!

Hi All, Lets welcome another flying season, ready to go!
Once Again, I challenge all here to turn February into Build-Ruary

So Many Planes So Little Time:

I, like most folk in this community, have a LONG build list of planes I would LOVE to build. Since I have become involved here in the forums and this challenge in 2018, there has been in incredible influx of new Classic Balsa designs turned Foam, fantasy Planes, Plans, builds and ideas/inspiration with the Bloody WWII Baby! forum thread and and the FTFC WWII Design & Build Challenge, and the FTFC Fantasy Aircraft Design & Build Challenge the FTFC Classic to Modern Challenge, as well as any plans listed by SPONZ and other forum members. and this last while with Covid-19, has brought in a number of new designers and designs. This Challenge is expected to be conducted in conjunction with a April Showers - Design-Build Challenge I will co-host starting March to end in May. A submission that fulfills both challenges my be submitted.

Challenge: Spend February building at least 4 functioning RC Foam, Balsa or 3d printed planes. Make a list and Build-log for each plane on the list. This will be scored out of 100 pts. (2 pts for each entry, and 23 pts for each Build)

Be sure to post your entry below:
Must have a Declaration of participation with a link to your Build Thread
a list of your four(4) planes.

Build Thread Summary (8 pts):
Start a Thread - "FTFC24: Build-ruary by (Builder)" with your linked build list. Include your estimated Build Skill and Piloting Skill (1=New, 5=Expert)

Bonus (+10pts)
10pts for each Additional Completed Builds (up to 4)

FTFC24: Build-ruary by FoamyDM (Build Skill: 4 Skilled, Pilot SKill: 3 Novice)
  1. FoamyDM - Disc Plane
  2. FoamyDM - Disc Plane
  3. FoamyDM - Disc Plane
  4. WindCatcher RC Gladiator
BUILD POSTS: (23pts each)
Set aside Posts 2 - 5 and title them "FT-Build-Ruary: (plane) Build by (builder)"
Each build post will be scored as follows on March 1st 2022 Midnight EST (-5GMT):
  1. 5pts Picture of the plane with Plans link and/or Forum link (for other community members to find them) and your reason for choosing this plane.
  2. 8pts Build-log: A brief explanation of your build process, and note difficulties, changes and tips along the way. Be sure include your build pics and a estimated build time. Include your take on how the build went (1 Simple -5 Complex) and how it flew (1-easy to 5-Hard). [2 pts basic, 4 pts helpful, 6pts detailed and helpful, 8pts article ready.]
  3. 4pts Color Scheme - A decorated plane is more fun.
  4. 4pts Maiden Video *Due before March 8th*
  5. 2 pts Post-project reflective statement. (Summary of Do's, Don't and tips)
*Planes started prior to February 1st will take a 10 pt. deduction.*

The Build Challenge Begins February 1st and Ends on the 1st of March 2022!
Maiden Videos must be posted before March 8th 2022.

Parts 1, 2 and 3 posts as of March 1st will not be judged
Parts 4 and 5 dated as of March 8th will not be judged
*That means You will have 1 additional weeks to get your maiden flights edited and posted*

The Winner will receive (Supplied by FoamyDM):
Runner Up will receive
  • Full Size Printed Plans*
Allowed prep: The plane kit make be prepared to a Speed Build Kit Level. or 3d printed but not assembled. (if you like even a Balsa Kit.)

Good Luck FT Community, Get your plans ready and Happy Building!

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Building Fool-Flying Noob
1. FTFC24: Build-ruary by @FoamyDM (Build Skill: 4 Skilled, Pilot SKill: 4 Not Crashing all the time)
  1. FoamyDM - Disc Plane
  2. FoamyDM - Disc Plane
  3. FoamyDM - Disc Plane
  4. WindCatcher RC Gladiator
2. FTFC24: Build-ruary by @LitterBug

1) FT Bronco
2) FT Explorer
3) FT Viggen (50% done)
4) FT Bloody Wonder (25% Done)
5) FT Simple Stick. (50% done)
6) FT Slow Stick

3. FTFC24: Build-ruary by @AgentC

1). EZ Bi-Plane
2). Mini Scout or Fogey Bi-Plane koop
3). Nano Flerken or Tiny Trainer (old SBKs that need to be made)
4). MinimumRC B-25

4. FTFC24: Build-ruary by @Spitfire76

1) Eclipson Go 1 Wolf (Printed but not assembled)
2) Eclipson Model B XL ( Currently printing).
3) 3dLabPrint F-104G Star Fighter (Have yet to buy the files).
4) 3D printed steerable dolly (ok, not a plane but will have a receiver and servo, all parts printed but not assembled).
5) FT Slow Stick S250 (foam parts cut out and other parts 3d printed but need to buy an arrow shaft).

5. FTFC24: Build-ruary by @Matthewdupreez

#1 13th squadron MXS https://www.13thsquadron.com/mxs.html|
#2 13th squadron DH88 COmet https://www.13thsquadron.com/dh88-comet.html
#3 Bush wacker on floats
#4 sea angel
#5 Baby blender on floats

6. FTFC24: Build-ruary by @bwarz
  1. FT Mini Guinea - COMMITTED
  2. FT Mini Mustang modded to a P51B razorback or maybe the MiniacRC P51B Mustang
  3. MiniacRC Mini Ju87 Stuka - COMMITTED
  4. Ratcheroo Simple Staggerwing
  5. Ratcheroo Kadet (finally????)
  6. 13th Squadron P61
  7. FT Alpha (or one of the three....)
7. FTFC24 Build-ruary 2024 by @Zetoyoc

1) - I have a giant list of wants and dreams. ill need a minute to whittle the list down
2) - bear with me
3) - yea, choosing is difficult
4) - no, no, let's be reasonable 6 8 - 20 sheet-sized planes are probably too much, try again..

8. FTFC24 Build-ruary 2024 by @hankflies03

1. FT Goblin plans
2.Miniacrc mini FW-190 plans
3. FT sportster plans
4. jpot1's mini Polaris plans
5. FT tiny trainer from a kit for my dad plans

9. FTFC24: Build-ruary by @mayan (Build Skill: 4 Skilled, Pilot SKill: 4 not crashing enough)
  1. FT Explorer (Speed Build Kit)
  2. FT Master Series Corsair
  3. FT Cruiser or FT Mini Mighty Cruiser
  4. FT Flerken or FT Nano Flerken
  5. FT Mighty Mini Sparrow
  6. FT Tutor

10. FTFC24: Build-ruary by @Zephyr1 (Build Skill: 5, Pilot Skill: 4)

1. ME 163 Komet with Rocket
2. F9F Panther (4s)
3. FT Arrow
4. MiG-15 (6S)

11. FTFC24 Build-ruary by Scotto. Build skill 3 pilot skill 3.

1 Inq'd Turbo Storch (Stinson/Vultee Vigilant tail)
2 Pa24 Commanche​
3 Clipped wing Cub Flatty
4 FT mini Dr1

12. FTFC24: Build-ruary by @FishbonesAir
Build Skill: Depends. Are we talking Balsa or Foam? Foam: 2'ish, probably better but I'm really, really slow, and afraid of making mistakes.
Pilot Skill: 1.8 Can take off, land without a gyro now. Usually. Sometimes. With the FT Tutor. Even go a little crazy in the air. )
1. FT Mini Guinea
2. B-25 (Fishbones Air plans, if you can call them that, lol)
3. AP Kwak
4. Woodstock - Another Fine Fishbones Air Original. First one flew kinda like Snoopy's sidekick, hence the name. Rebuild is gonna have a bigger tail.

13. @Rara
  1. FT Edge540 (I may have to get a ruling on a 10pt deduction here...)
  2. Super Top Secret Squirrel WindCatcher RC project prototype
  3. FT NutBall
  4. FT SeaDuck rebuild v3.0
  5. FT MS F-16 Viper
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Techno Nut
FTFC24: Build-ruary by LitterBug.

I have so many kits and half builts that MUST BE FINISHED for FF24.

Unstarted Kits
1) FT Bronco
2) FT Explorer

Started Kits
3) FT Viggen (50% done)
4) FT Bloody Wonder (25% Done)
5) FT Simple Stick. (50% done)

Scratch cut/build
6) FT Slow Stick
7) @AgentC EZ Bronco
8+) FT Dart

EDIT-013124: Fixed Missing thread link. :) Updated misc things. I will add links above to the status of each when complete.
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Elite member
I'm in!
Haven't built anything this season except for some EZ Snow Skimmers, so let's get building! :)

Planes are subject to change, but this is what I'm thinking...

1). EZ Bi-Plane
2). Mini Scout or Fogey Bi-Plane
3). Nano Flerken or Tiny Trainer (old SBKs that need to be made)
4). MinimumRC B-25
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Well-known member
If 3d printed planes are allowed and at least the parts printed before hand then this is my list
  • Eclipson Go 1 Wolf (Printed but not assembled)
  • Eclipson Model B XL ( Currently printing).
  • 3dLabPrint A10 Thunderbolt II has replaced the F-104G Star Fighter The A10 has now been replaced with the J35 Saab Draken.
  • 3d printed steerable dolly (ok, not a plane but will have a receiver and servo, all parts printed but not assembled).
  • FT Slow Stick S250 (backup in case dolly doesn't count}.

Update: January 30th
I am dropping the F-104G Star Fighter for 3dLabPrint's A10 Thunderbolt II that should be released soon.

Update: February 3rd
I am replacing the A10 build with their J35 Saab Draken.

Update: February 13th
Changing the FT Slow Stick with the FT Long EZ

Update: February 29th
  • Eclipson Go 1 Wolf: Built and flown, YT video of maiden flight at the end of the detailed build log.
  • Eclipson Model B XL: around 50% assembled.
  • 3dLabPrint J35 Saab Draken: 30% printed.
  • Steerable Dolly: Not started
  • FT Long EZ: Not started.
Thanks @FoamyDM for organizing this challenge. It certainly got me focused on these builds that I have been meaning to start for awhile.
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Master member
I forget.... does cutting the parts out count as part of the building process? or can we start cutting prior to Feb 1?


Legendary member
Let's actually try to maiden all of them this year lol, least of all finish all 4 or 5.
don't ask what panes i'm building as i honestly do not know :ROFLMAO:
all i know is 2 will be float planes, and one will need to be really fast, and one aerobatic... so yea lmao
i haven't built anything in months, maybe this will get me back into the swing of things

#1 13th squadron MXS https://www.13thsquadron.com/mxs.html|
#2 13th squadron DH88 COmet https://www.13thsquadron.com/dh88-comet.html
#3 Bush wacker on floats
#4 sea angel
#5 Baby blender on floats

#6 maybe 13th squadron spacewalker
#7 Maybe 3d printed 3dlab print saab draken
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Building Fool-Flying Noob
Let's actually try to maiden all of them this year lol, least of all finish all 4 or 5.
don't ask what panes i'm building as i honestly do not know :ROFLMAO:
all i know is 2 will be float planes, and one will need to be really fast, and one aerobatic... so yea lmao
i haven't built anything in months, maybe this will get me back into the swing of things
Awesome @Matthewdupreez, don't forget to include the link to your Contest Build Log
also take a stab and Tell us what you Hope to Work on.


Legendary member
Awesome @Matthewdupreez, don't forget to include the link to your Contest Build Log
also take a stab and Tell us what you Hope to Work on.


Elite member
I am in!

Am I really trying this amazing challenge again? yes, yes I am.
Am I going to improve over last year's results. you bet I am!

edit: corrected link
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