2019 Fantasy Aircraft Design & Build Challenge!


Skill Collector
Hey Rockyboy, what are the rules for something submitted two weeks late? 50 point deduction? no scoring but its still on the list? Because I was working on my X-44 and I made a surprising amount of proggress, I might actually be able to fly it soon.

No scoring but still on the list and we'll all cheer you every step of the way! :D


Skill Collector
On the subject of scoring, oh my goodness it's March already!! :D :D :D

Everyone keep those knives up, keep the glue guns plugged in, and keep on building!! :D :D :D

Yes, the scoring deadline has occurred - and we have some really awesome entries that finished both plans and a proof of flight video by Feb 28th and therefore qualify for the scoring round. I'm going to go through and double check every build thread and make sure I didn't miss any entries that hit that goalpost (ouch!) I'll post the list of all entries the judges will be scoring here and ask anyone who believes they should be on it, but isn't, to let me know right away so we can fix it. Scoring phase will be complete by the end of March.

But wait - there's more!!

We all want to see every one of these entries make it into the air! So please keep creating awesome things and learning and sharing along the way. And we want to see as many of these designs in the air at Flite Fest this year as possible! Doesn't matter if a model met the scoring deadline or not, for Flight Fest we accept all into whatever in person event we come up with.

So paint 'em crazy, use the awesome logo, or leave 'em bare white - I just want to see them in the air and talk to you about your creation! :D


Skill Collector
At this point in the contest we have 42 entries, a handful of flight videos without plans, and a couple plans without flight videos. We love you all for starting down this crazy project with us! :love:

We also have these 16 beauties who both proved they could fly (at least on a ballistic trajectory :p ) and provided plans for the community to build one of their own! I give you the list of those who will be scored!

Swordfish II
Build Thread Link
Plans and... glide video!

Lockheed N+2
Build Thread Link
Plans and flight video!

Columbus Jets Baseball Logo Plane
Build Thread Link
Plans and flight video!

Terminator Hunter Killer
Build Thread Link
Plans and flight video!

Wing Commander Hornet
Build Thread Link
Flight and plans!

HYDRA Valkyrie
Build Thread Link
Flight and plans!

Ushakov LPL Flying Submarine
Build Thread Link
Plans - and sort of flight?

VF-9 Robotech Veritech Fighter
Build Thread Link
Plans - and sort of flight?

Logan X-stream 6 - Foam Catapult Plane
Build Thread Link
Plans and flight!

Star Fox Experimental 1 (SFX1)
Build Thread Link
Plans and flight!

Crimson Skies Heavens Spade Carrier
Build Thread Link
Plans and flight!

Crimson Skies Devil's Dozen Mosquito
Build Thread Link
Plans and flight!

Tailspin Don Karnage Triplane
Build Thread Link
Flight and plans!

Gee Bee R3
Build Thread Link
Plans and flight!

MiG-37B Ferret
Build Thread Link
Flight and plans!

@Dr. Looping Looie
Kolibri High Alpha Flyer
Build Thread Link
Flight and plans!

If I have missed any entry in this list who provided both plans and flight video, please let me know ASAP so I can get them into the scoring pile too!

Thank you!! :D
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Free Flight Indoorist
17 judged entries. That's awesome!

I'm really pleased to have gotten to fly both mine and someone else's (MiG-37). Both have been really rewarding and I look forward to flying them at SEFF and FFO.


Building Fool-Flying Noob
I am Totally Psyched about this contest. o_O

Thank you again @rockyboy for organizing this. Both the Idea, and watching / encouraging all this crazy!:love:

I need to stop putting Build-ruary challenge at the end of this one! :geek:


Skill Collector
I'm working through scoring with my anonymous volunteer judges - please PM me if you didn't enter the contest but would like to join the judging team!

For everyone - what ideas get you excited for next years challenge? Some of the thoughts on the table include...

- Amphibious craft (anything capable of taking off/landing on water - wouldn't require water based landing on flight video, but it would help!)
- Classic to Modern (Foam Board or Composite Construction conversion of any balsa plans set - thousands available over at https://outerzone.co.uk )
- Modern to Classic (balsa build of foam board design)
- Classic and Modern (building both a balsa and a foam board craft of the same design)
- Composite Design (use combination of multiple materials from list of DTFB, Fiberglass, block foam, Balsa, 3D Printing, other)
- X Planes & the Edge of Space - anything experimental from the cold war forward including high flying mother/daughter ship combos and other launch vehicles
- Flying Circus (WW1 aircraft)


Legendary member
I'm working through scoring with my anonymous volunteer judges - please PM me if you didn't enter the contest but would like to join the judging team!

For everyone - what ideas get you excited for next years challenge? Some of the thoughts on the table include...

- Amphibious craft (anything capable of taking off/landing on water - wouldn't require water based landing on flight video, but it would help!)
- Classic to Modern (Foam Board or Composite Construction conversion of any balsa plans set - thousands available over at https://outerzone.co.uk )
- Modern to Classic (balsa build of foam board design)
- Classic and Modern (building both a balsa and a foam board craft of the same design)
- Composite Design (use combination of multiple materials from list of DTFB, Fiberglass, block foam, Balsa, 3D Printing, other)
- X Planes & the Edge of Space - anything experimental from the cold war forward including high flying mother/daughter ship combos and other launch vehicles
- Flying Circus (WW1 aircraft)
Classic to modern for sure!


Legendary member
I like the idea of Composite Design, I've just recently laminated the wings on my $10 glider and they turned out great!

Might give us a reason to expand our skill set and push the boundary a bit.


Elite member
I think classic to modern or flying circus, while its great to push skillsets, not all of us have the resources to build vehicles with fiberglass or balsa. I would be partial to X-planes too, I could enter my X-44 in it :p. Maybe you could do a poll?


Skill Collector
Thanks for the input guys - this is exactly the conversation I want to have about these ideas, and any other ideas people want to toss in the ring. At Flite Fest I'll be talking with everyone about this too, and won't settle in on a final direction until after the event and a whole lot of community input.

I am sensitive to the resource limitations that can occur for many reasons, and keeping the challenge accessible to as many people as possible is a priority. I think anything materials wise that goes away from the classic foam board will be kept open and optional in ways that encourage exploration of different techniques, but don't necessarily require vacuum bagging hotwire cut foam cores covered in fiberglass and balsa (but it's really cool to see it done like that :D )



Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
while its great to push skillsets, not all of us have the resources to build vehicles with fiberglass or balsa.

I disagree. Sure some of the more exotic materials can get hard to find, but to start scratching at the surface of these doesn't take as much as you would think.

Your most limited resource to dealing with composites resides between your ears.

While you may not have show the wisdom to run screaming from this crazy bunch, you haven't struck me as dull or unimaginative either ;)

. . . that, and "composites" is combining different materials to take advantage of each material's strengths and minimize each's weaknesses. There's nothing about carbon or kevlar or glass or resin or balsa or even foam in that. Two materials, acting together better than they would separately. Cement and styrofoam would count . . . if you think that would help a plane fly. Sure, I'd see bonus points for innovation or stretching a material, but meeting the minimum to compete wouldn't be that hard.

FWIW, I like classic to modern with a composite twist -- old plan (1970 or older?) converted, and at least three materials must be used in the larger construction, but at least two must not be from the original design.


Old and Bold RC PILOT
I do not know what will be selected as there are more opinions than I could count.

For what it is worth I would like to see one of the following!

A. Mini design which uses a Mini powerpod (or multiples) Weight would need to be specified as part of the build. Subject OPEN!

B. A WWI model, (fighter/bomber/recon doesn't matter!) Special points for functional control surfaces using "Pull-Pull" control cables.

C. Something in short supply! An EDF. Subject does not matter as long as it flies.

As with most competitions FT designs exempted unless modified almost beyond recognition.

Just my thoughts!

Have fun!


Elite member
Your most limited resource to dealing with composites resides between your ears.

While you may not have show the wisdom to run screaming from this crazy bunch, you haven't struck me as dull or unimaginative either ;)

Thanks for the compliment. Unfortunately its my facilities not my mental capacities. My work area amounts to a bedroom and outdoors, (and I dont have a table out there). I think I would have a ton of trouble glassing. especially because my ventilation isn't the best either.


Building Fool-Flying Noob
As some of you know, I have put on an April Showers Challenge last year (and plan to this.) I personally love the Amphibious Challenge for selfish reasons. I have a Spruce Gosling I am planning to finish,
My Vote - Amphibious

That said, I think a more inspiring my be an EDF cold war.
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Elite member
First off, a huge shout out to @rockyboy for coordinating this again for the 2018 competition and for (seemingly) offering to do it again for 2019! Thank man! Excellent job as always.

Second, an almost as huge a shout out to everyone who participated this year - a stellar collection of planes and builds.

Totally agree with @Craftydan on the mental-balsa-block thingy, I definitely suffer from it and my only concern for the 2019 competition would be that a composite requirement might turn folks away. Perhaps a scoring rubric that rewards introduction of composite or new materials into a design might work? Wouldn't stop folks from doing all foamboard, but might encourage them to dangle their feet into a stream of new techniques? The only category this would remove is modern to classic and allows the group to select a plane / type / era based topic instead of a materials based one.

Beyond that, I'm up for any of the topics - they all sound like fun.


Old and Bold RC PILOT
Just a secondary suggestion. Rather than just a plethora of a specific set of aircraft designs why not leave the subject wide open, (fixed wing aircraft only that is), and place the rules around something specific or for a specific need.

The forum is littered with some fantastic designs that most members would have trouble in transporting to and from the flying field. My thought is that in an era of inexpensive air travel why not specific a suitcase size, (carry on luggage size perhaps), and have a contest to have a plane and transmitter fit inside the suitcase completely.

You could even have a couple of categories based upon the luggage size required to house and transport it! Actual aircraft model could be open as long as it can be removed from the suitcase, assembled, fitted with its flight battery and flown. Everything needed to be carried to the field in the closed suitcase. To be eligible for a score the resultant aircraft MUST be capable of controlled flight.

Just a thought out of left field!

have fun!


Free Flight Indoorist
I'm partial to a WWI design event (yeah, I already have my plane picked out. Sharp folks could figure out what it is without excessive difficulty)

Second choice would be composite. You don't even have to be super sharp to figure out which design I have picked out for this (and it'll be absolutely AWESOME as a composite bird. :devilish:).