Having the numbers is good so we can see where you are. If possible can you distinguish which is quad 1 and which is quad 2 please.
What I have learned is beta flight has a huge range of tuneable area between 20 and 80 seems to be the happy spot for the larger quads. What I think you are seeing is when you crossed that 80 mark you went from slow oscillations. to a tighter tune and now have crossed into the place where P is too high and starting to cause fast oscillations. D does in fact help with that. Stingerswarm actually tunes like that taking P up to where it starts them faster oscillations then cuts them back with D. This is fine just be aware of motor temps doing this.
We are into territory I am not 100% on for tuning an AP ship so I am going by my own general knowledge for pid tuning where I KNOW I have good control in most cases where I would be flying like with higher average wind conditions.
I noticed you have said you had issues with bouncy descents. That is more because you are dropping down thru a huge mass of disturbed air called prop wash. You can tune out a fair portion of it but there is no way you will ever be able to come straight down in a more then painstakingly slow manor without getting that on any tune. This is where most pilots that are new or rely on auto level modes get into trouble. The quad starts to get wobbly and they panic and drop even faster to get down to the ground. That can escalate those wobbles beyond what the FC is capable to process and that's when things go south and total control is lost.
Now that you are in the air in a reasonably controlled manor you need to train your thinking not only to know where you are going but where you have been as well. Descend super slowly when coming down in your own prop wash and if things get wobble hold in a hover for a second then resume OR move slightly in any direction to take yourself out of the bad air. For example. When the freestyle pilots do a power loop you notice on the back side where they are powering back up to catch themselves the good pilots always are moving forward ever so slightly. This is to stay in clean air as they apply more power to complete the move. Turning is the same, you are always moving just slightly to stay out of the prop wash for a smooth and steady turn.
Lets see if we cant smooth you out a bit with rate changes. In the screen shot to follow I have all my quads (except the Gremlin. Lower degree/second due to short wheel base). With the curve that is built in no expo is needed yet I am still able to make any quad I fly move a mm or two at a time if I want yet still be able to have a nice strong flip and roll rate. (mind you for the ap ships you are flying this is not recommended to be flipping and flopping with expensive camera gear). This should give you extremely fine movement control yet still give enough to do sharper turns when needed to avoid things or for certain film effects.
Lastly is TPA. That should not really come in to play on an ap ship as what that does is lessen pids the more throttle you use in a fast change like punch outs or hard cornering. If you get to where there is need for TPA changes you are already in a bad situation and they wont matter on an AP ship.
Soo.. when next you fly grab us some video and label each ship and the pids so we know exactly which is which so not to confuse the changes. THEN what I want you to do is set up on profile one the current best pid configuration for each quad and leave that alone. Use profiles 2 and three to make changes one at a time. Use one for a higher parameter change and the other for a lower parameter change. ONLY change one thing at a time to be able to compare them. Then you can basically swap profiles and fly for a bit, swap again fly different parameter, then fly again and fly current best to see what is the best of the three for what you want to do. That number gets used in profile one and you move to the next change in your tuning.
Here are common stick commands for making changes when not armed. I believe most OSD's are accessed by yaw center left for 5 seconds as well.
And here is a screenie for the rates to try.. if you use these be sure to change them in all three profiles or you will be in for a huge surprise going randomly from super smooth rates to less forgiving rates. Do not bother even looking at the pids as this is from tuning sessions long past and will more then likely set you back. You can how ever try the settings for horizon mode as that is set up for very smooth transitions in and out of forward flight with out the having to fight the FC to get moving and the sharp snap back when returning to center stick that angle mode has.
All I do is change RC rate between 1.9 and 2.05 for faster or slower degree per second and keep the Super rate to hold that soft curve and feel for center stick ranges.
Finally... Police.. 99% of them are cool. IF when they approach you and you dont tense up like you know you are doing something wrong, seem defensive, are mouthy and not respectful. If you greet them with a polite hello and how are you today sir then most are put at ease you are not a jerk and will act accordingly.
Sorry for the book post its a lot to process but hope it helps.
Changed to say keep Super rates the same and change RC rate.. sorry used KISS labels for those values.