assign 6 flight mode Aurora 9 & arducopter problem


Junior Member
I'm having headache inducing problems with my newly purchased Arucopter 2.5.
What I want is the option of selecting the six flight options, but the programming seems to be to much for my intellect,
so what better place to ask for some help. I found some info on the www but not clear enough for a nuub like me.
This is the info I found:

Step 1,
Define channel 5 as Aux 1 channel switch NULL
Step 2.
Assign Flight Cond
1.Normal (default) Stabilised (E,0)
2.Simple (E,1)
3.Alt Hold (E,2)
4.Loiter (F,1)
5.Auto (G,1)
6.RTL (H, 1)
Assign to the switches you prefer (I used E,F,G,H)
I use T.Link: ACT on all.

Step 3.
Menu (P.Mixes)
Assign Programmable Mixes 1
1. ->Aux1
Programmable Mix-1 ON
Aux1 (Normal, Simple, Alt hold, Loiter, Auto, RTL) S
Rate:0% ACC:0%
o:0% OST-100, -56, -23, +9, +41, +100)
Switch NULL

Flip the switches you assign the flight cond to.
The flight cond shows up enter the correct OST value each flightmode on the copter
this may vary from mine.
Make sure you select S not C type off mixer for every flight cond.

Like I said, not clear enough for my intellect. Please Help
