how are you making sure that inkscape has the correct scale when printed to pdf?
Update: Hi Jason, this was a much better question than I originally realized. I had copied svg writing code from a different part of the project where I was generating svg cut files for ribs with notches and such for stringers and all ... and that had been fine. In my new folded wing work, I sort of had "two wrongs make a right". But loading this into inkscape and printing to pdf straight from there was out of scale. I think I tracked down the issue and fixed it. SVG isn't super definite about units, but you can kind of shoe horn it into what you want by creating a "viewbox" relative to the size of your "Drawing". It's a little weird how that works, but I got inkscape to now tell me my document scaling is 1.0 and it prints directly to the correct size, so hopefully all good now.
Here's a tiled printout for a tapered wing tip. Inner chord is 230mm, tip chord is 150mm, segment span is 250mm (with a little nibbled out for a 10 degree dihedral, since I want to angle these up pretty agressively ... this will be the last 250mm (on each side) of an otherwise straight 2m wing.
Oh, and I also am now generating outlines for the tapered spar as well (spar ends also are fit to honor any dihedral request.)
Now I have to quit stalling and build the actual wing ... I have all the parts cut out and it looks like they fold correctly, so I just need to commit to gluing everything together.