In this episode of Flite Test, watch as the team shows you an amazing aircraft built from scratch! This isn't a plane, and this isn't a helicopter. Its an Avatar Gunship! Watch to learn what we did and how we did it!
I am so impressed with your ability of scratchbuilding!
Just watched the episode!
I thought of that pendulum effect as well and then thought noooo not that beauty!
All your work breaking apart and Joab( it was him wasn´t it) getting a piece of the copter I suppose in his face.
Very funny as well! Found it nice that Josh B was really funny right at the start as well and not always JS
This is by far the best build and video by FT.
Thanks for doing what you do...fantastic.
Can't wait to get this video to my sons high school robotics class.
Wow, you sure know your way around the foam Chad. :applause: It's to bad the Navi downed it so soon, I would have loved to drive up, and climb into Home Tree to bring it down for you guys.
Also, kudos to David for contributing his superior knowledge of Multi-Copters, to the project. What a Sweedheart.
The ones I've seen have been modded heli's, and have put the battery right under the CG, but really low. I see the you seem to have the battery a bit more forward. But the tail is a lot longer on the gunship.
Can you get the battery any lower or lower the CG somehow?