Battery800 2022 Build-Ruary!


Elite member
First build, the FT scout! This on will be modified with a pair of extra servos and bush wheels for that extra fun. Hoping to get an extra bomb drop. Here is the progress so far today at 2/17. I’ve also mounted the tail servos externally

More progress, I managed to get the ailerons hooked up and made a tail wheel in this weird way. Bent it out of thin landing gear wire and shoved it up the foam of the v-stab. How did I do it? Well I heated the wire up with a soldering iron and used the heat to cut through it like butter. Here is the landing gear

(Later on the 18th) I have gotten all the connections done and all the wire hooked up. I got everything; flaperons, rates, bomb drops! All in all 7 channels. This is a hefty bird, might need the 10x4.5 props, will have to check the current readings. Anyways, I have some taxi footage that I need to upload

2/20 Also reinforced the tail wheel after it may or may not have un-glued itself.

video of going through checks
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Elite member
2/21: Alright, second build is the blunt nose versa. I just got the plans taped together and it’s time to cut it out.

2/22 I have cut out the center section and left wing. I want to use this for combat later after I upgrade the motor so it will use 13g metal gear servos and a whole ton of extreme packing tape.

2/23 I have also cut out the other wing and joined it together. this was a bit challenging getting the servos in the right place as well as trimming the sides of the wing since I couldn’t get sandpaper. just filled in a lot of glue instead :/. All is left is the power system and linkages and it’ll be ready to fly!
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Elite member
Third build, the FT LongEZ. This will be a relatively simple build and easy flier, so I can get my dad fly better, with this and the scout. I ended up getting it all done in one day.
Cutting out the parts is usually the slowest but most of the lines were gentle and straight so it only took a couple hours.

Apart from getting the two halves of the fuse to be more together, it was alright, although the previous issued cause the foam bits inside of the aileron to splay out and bind, which needed to be reglued

Also the plane was a tad tail heavy so I dropped some glue and a quarter in the nose.
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Elite member
Legacy Time! My plan is to do a trimotor with a bunch of extra stuff. However for this challenge I will have to forgo that because I don't have a receiver with enough channels. This one is the only SBK so it will go a lot quicker

2/27 Assembled the fuselage and Started on the wing. Think *might* be a bit crooked because the bomb bay wasn't 100% aligned

2/28 I finished the build, minus the other stuff, have to wait for that to arrive and I'll put that on before the maiden. Turns out it was perfectly square. I was dumb though, I glued the nacelles on before installing the power system wiring, so that was a whole ordeal. At least all the motors were spinning in the right
direction. Overall a simple and easy build, but very big (at least for me) and very rewarding!
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Elite member

Overall I think my build month went well, but I think I could have done the more complex planes I wanted if I started earlier. Not Bad considering that I built 4 planes in less than 2 weeks of building days. I had a few issues as a consequence of my mods. I just realised that the versa's wings are slightly angled up from the center. I should have placed the wire of the scout's tail wheel closer to the hinge because I eventually sheared the paper and needed to re-do it.
Good lessons-
always press the hot glued surfaces immediately and hard here's little gap
follow the instructions- I didn't
reinforce control surfaces with tape and glue
use a long 2x4 when closing wings and such
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Elite member
i will actually switch out the C-47 to a Blunt Nose Versa on account of the fact that I am missing a motor set and the P-51 I don’t have enough time, so I’ll be making a longez for my dad.