Board planes… the best planes ever built, but in 20 minutes?


Board planes…

Perhaps you don’t know what one is. Board planes are one of the best flying foamboard aircraft, ever! They take about 20 minutes to build since they are literally a sheet of DTFB with elevons and a rudder. I will update y’all this weekend when I do a complete build log on a board plane and the ideal set up, everything from landing gear, motor, prop, size of elevons and more!

If you guys havent built a board plane, it a must! They fly so well and are so cheap to make.

Let’s get a board plane army going!

Stay tuned 🤙


Crazed Scout Pilot

Well-known member
Yea! Yea! Yea! Yea! Yea! I think I might have to set up a bomb drop from the bottom of my bored plane. I love the idea of a Ft board plane air force. Or should I say speedfix board plane air force!


I’m getting close to being able to post the build part of this. I made version 3 but I’m not quite satisfied with it yet, I think it needs a little better build quality and move to 4s instead of 3s. The parts that I need to get for V4 are ft power pods, laser cut control horns, z bend pliers and some piano wire.


Oh and a 4s motor/esc. So I gotta save up lol. I have too many projects.

FLITETEST IF YOU SEE THIS PLEASE SPONSOR ME!!!!!! 😉😉😉 (100 dollar gift card? ‘‘Twas my bday a few weeks ago)


This was the v3 board plane: