New member
I took the plunge and ordered up the FlyBrix premium set; more of the tiny whoop sized flying with the bonus of multirotor experimenting. The kit was pretty 'kickstartery' in delivery but the Lego kit assembly and the speed to air was enjoyable. However lego multirotors are not made for crashes and there is a tendency to see your frame in bits tangled by wire in the event of a bad decision. I suspect with the incoming interest in tiny brushed motor and ultrasmallrotors ( USR ) that alternative boards and builds are just as easy; Im still kicking around builds and ideas with it but I wondered if anyone else has played with them
Photo gallery here : https://goo.gl/photos/b1qjHuSKYfeTVjF99
Photo gallery here : https://goo.gl/photos/b1qjHuSKYfeTVjF99