"I want to have a longer flight time" and "i don't care too much about efficiency" are direct contradictions. The parts you mentioned are compatible. However, a twin engine setup is going to be more difficult to wire and set up than a single engine, and overall be less efficient.
However, if you're just starting out, you may just take the money you'd spend on those parts, get a
single A pack, and pick up a
Mighty Mini Trainer v2. You'll spend a lot less time building something designed to be an RC than you will converting a glider to be RC, be able to follow step-by-step build guides instead of winging it, and be able to take skills into your next project that will help you convert a walmart glider to RC. From someone who did this a decade ago, converting a walmart glider is viable if you know what you're doing, i'd never recommend a DIY conversion as your first RC when you are also the designer. Too many variables.