Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, flying (?)

T H A N K S ! with driver and a missis insideiyt seema can "lovely" ...
That was that song, wasn't it?
"Wouldn't it
be loverly..."
Man I haven't heard that in like 40 years and now you got it swimming around in this confused brain. :LOL:
T H A N K S ! with driver and a missis insideiyt seema can "lovely" ...

Now you've given yourself away! You're watching more than just Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!

Ok I'll admit it's super wholesome heartwarming stuff, and it can't be bashed. It sure beats some Transformers Spiderman Disney woke ridiculousness.
One more trolly off-topic thing I have:
If today's mass-produced examples of box office flash-without-substance are as warmly regarded in 40 years as Chitty, My Fair Lady, Dr. Doolittle and Willie Wonka are remembered now, humanity will be on its way out for certain. Good stuff has got to come back. Humanity has got to turn it around and once again favor quality content and a pure, self-evident message, not a manufactured one. I have hope for us, but it doesn't turn around in just one season.


Legendary member
It would have drove me nuts that "My Fair lady" song but for the fact that.
I have had this music going around in my head for 3 days now and even started playing it today on the guitar. Its your turn to have it swirling around your head.
It would have drove me nuts that "My Fair lady" song but for the fact that.
I have had this music going around in my head for 3 days now and even started playing it today on the guitar. Its your turn to have it swirling around your head.
Very nice.
Merry Christmas to all.


Wake up! Time to fly!
@leaded50 Bruh.. you do some of the most meticulous and beautiful builds on the forums but man.. you DO know the red underlines on your text is misspelled words right? I am not sure if you are doing that on purpose or not because some days you do ok other days its gobbledygook and causes flashbacks to another long gone poster here who shall remain nameless. He used to troll everyone here with hate speech while the entire time making sure every word was misspelled mixed with hip hop speak.

At the rest of you lot trying to get songs stuck in our heads.. NO. ain't clickin, ain't hearing, ain't gonna happen. Last time I had a song stuck in my head was "Luca" back in the 80's after we were up for three days straight humpin ordinance when we were all super tired and loopy. My friend spoke 3 words from the song not even attempting to sing it and it got caught on loop in my head for a good 3 weeks. Never again no way no how.


Elite member
@leaded50 Bruh.. you do some of the most meticulous and beautiful builds on the forums but man.. you DO know the red underlines on your text is misspelled words right? I am not sure if you are doing that on purpose or not because some days you do ok other days its gobbledygook and causes flashbacks to another long gone poster here who shall remain nameless. He used to troll everyone here with hate speech while the entire time making sure every word was misspelled mixed with hip hop speak.

At the rest of you lot trying to get songs stuck in our heads.. NO. ain't clickin, ain't hearing, ain't gonna happen. Last time I had a song stuck in my head was "Luca" back in the 80's after we were up for three days straight humpin ordinance when we were all super tired and loopy. My friend spoke 3 words from the song not even attempting to sing it and it got caught on loop in my head for a good 3 weeks. Never again no way no how.
You did read his post that he was heavily medicated?


Wake up! Time to fly!
You did read his post that he was heavily medicated?

AND? I spent many a year on Oxy when I first got hurt and still knew how spell check worked... Not too hard to click on the word and make a choice. Besides if he can do work like he does on his aircraft I'm gonna say he really ain't so heavily medicated.... Anyways I was not trying to put a brother down just letting him know its hard to read which detracts from the awesome effort he puts into the aircraft.


Legendary member
@leaded50 Bruh.. you do some of the most meticulous and beautiful builds on the forums but man.. you DO know the red underlines on your text is misspelled words right? I am not sure if you are doing that on purpose or not because some days you do ok other days its gobbledygook and causes flashbacks to another long gone poster here who shall remain nameless. He used to troll everyone here with hate speech while the entire time making sure every word was misspelled mixed with hip hop speak.

At the rest of you lot trying to get songs stuck in our heads.. NO. ain't clickin, ain't hearing, ain't gonna happen. Last time I had a song stuck in my head was "Luca" back in the 80's after we were up for three days straight humpin ordinance when we were all super tired and loopy. My friend spoke 3 words from the song not even attempting to sing it and it got caught on loop in my head for a good 3 weeks. Never again no way no how.

1.well, im not english of birtth
2. my dam mmedivinecocotail do even my neihbor get propblem understand... (had it only been oxy :cautious:) Im pput on a cocktail of stuff tohopefully rtaise my pain pain threshold who need less oxys, who even get me more drunk in moving around than a couple botlles of vodka. I hate it . After last hospitaltime they took bothh mmy driver licenses for truck/car & MC (and im must agree its a reason. Ill sit here, because thats feel best for me, and working with thr hobby givve me onre of the onlyr pleasurea i have att momrnt
If writing language of birth, or UK/American its get samwe shit, i try fix it it many times, but when fix alos doeisnt be a fix,,, welll .
Its not longer that close to a week i asked a nurse give syringe, and let me go, for evwer.
So sorry brother,.. if cant be understoodhere , thats ok, thats just a tiny bit of my problems. Its one reason im alive, stubborness, and this building hobby.
3.i cant walk 2000mm without stumble and fell. Funny?, you bet it aint, i hate my life! If hospitalpeople knowed iwe wotking with knives, solderring iron eg, i bet the taking it away. Ive already neded have a long discuriion with my docotr about the the home checking they wanna start.
Last word, if my models doesnt look pretty&unique enough in a planebuildingf orum, to overcome some "shitty" translations/wirds in use becayse my health,,,,,, its nit my problem, but yours"
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Legendary member
the Chitty Bang project, is perhaps the one i will be most proud of. Not because of what it is...but because it seems i can do the things neded as planned. That was not something i belived i could. I was afraid the hosptital sessions close up, did that i couldnt do it!
the Chitty Bang project, is perhaps the one i will be most proud of. Not because of what it is...but because it seems i can do the things neded as planned. That was not something i belived i could. I was afraid the hosptital sessions close up, did that i couldnt do it!
My friend Leaded builds planes better than my boy Johnny plays the fiddle.

"I'll bet a fiddle of gold against your soul 'cause I think I'm better than you."

"Well I'll take your bet you son of a bitch 'cause I'm the best there's ever been."

and he laid that golden fiddle on the ground at Johnny's feet...


Legendary member
im not "afraid" on disclosing my problems. My esophagus is quite ruined. Welll thats just a tube from throat to get food into stomach isnt it?
Well i found out after years of trucking with no regulated life, neither on sleep or eat, and heavy smoker, really heay.. it wasnt :p.
This tube, cant be changed, nor the two valves in it, nor the muscles in it. Yeas my lowr part is fixed with the "typical" GERD symptoms,eg. that gave my acid puking anywhere, anyhow in close to 3y. Hurray.....or? Approx 2 months after that surgerys i got heavy pains in chest, real heavy.
it showed my esophagus is scared all over (as somebody used an axe in there in rage) and got abnormal outgrowths. Becuse of this my upperr valve is disfunctional pluss rthe swallow muscles,most of time, and need close to monthly injections, i need laser surgery to get rid of the outgrowths also close to each 4 mnth, or i risk cant ingest anything. Approx 80% of my "food" is aphotecary liquid protein/energy eg drinks. I hve reagualry control by health peoples, "regulary" a couple months between help from ambulance to deal with the opain whwn mmwdicarion diosesnt.
IF (and normally it happends 3 of 5 times ) by ingestion of food/drink, i need "make a retractioncramp" to get it down to stomach. That cramp function gives me the abnormal pain, as use a sledgehammer on my chest for full power to some medicination kills more or less the feeling. Thats why ive gone on strongest Oxy eg. medicine in 3y. and of course also got side effects, "addiction", and it worsens. Last ambulance trip for approx a week ago, my pain teard one of the belts of... try it your self.... and at intensive needed so much intravenous medicine, that i stop breathing approx 15- 20 times. Last week, ive been on 3 different hospitals approx 300km away from each other, and in none of the travels didnt the wanted use a heli, because couldnt do same treatment under the go..
So complain as much you want on languagem,writing or oother stuff, I got to be a memeber for a beloved hobby i can do , even by my healthtrouble, im here for the planes, the fun of building by everyone,not for secure languages are corret wroted.

If people really wNNA understand, they understand my writing, if niot, why bother scroll past, or ask me to leave!

And sorry @PsyBorg , you get it all close too here, that was not my point, im just tired, ans medicined, and have a life i diont wanna have. And i can tell, im sitting here crying niow because my situtation, because cant go anywhere without help, cantdo something on build either,because my last 4 tabelet medicination kickedin. now its Yoytube or a movei for a few h beforecan thinkl vbuils agai9mn

One thing more... this healttrouble isnt possible do anything with, ut they ae trying to find ther best way for me to get closest to as nowmal life
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Wake up! Time to fly!
1.well, im not english of birtth
2. my dam mmedivinecocotail do even my neihbor get propblem understand... (had it only been oxy :cautious:) Im pput on a cocktail of stuff tohopefully rtaise my pain pain threshold who need less oxys, who even get me more drunk in moving around than a couple botlles of vodka. I hate it . After last hospitaltime they took bothh mmy driver licenses for truck/car & MC (and im must agree its a reason. Ill sit here, because thats feel best for me, and working with thr hobby givve me onre of the onlyr pleasurea i have att momrnt
If writing language of birth, or UK/American its get samwe shit, i try fix it it many times, but when fix alos doeisnt be a fix,,, welll .
Its not longer that close to a week i asked a nurse give syringe, and let me go, for evwer.
So sorry brother,.. if cant be understoodhere , thats ok, thats just a tiny bit of my problems. Its one reason im alive, stubborness, and this building hobby.
3.i cant walk 2000mm without stumble and fell. Funny?, you bet it aint, i hate my life! If hospitalpeople knowed iwe wotking with knives, solderring iron eg, i bet the taking it away. Ive already neded have a long discuriion with my docotr about the the home checking they wanna start.
Last word, if my models doesnt look pretty&unique enough in a planebuildingf orum, to overcome some "shitty" translations/wirds in use becayse my health,,,,,, its nit my problem, but yours"

Oh trust me.. if anyone knows what you live with its me mate. I spent close to 7 years so strung on oxy the only time I got out of bed in the dark room I stayed in was to either go to the bathroom to go or to shower because I didn't make it in time.

I have had my shoulder sewn back together after the insurance company fought tooth and nail to deny the injury while the damage to my rotator cuff ground the ligament into what looked like a cotton ball through the surgical camera. After the repair it looked more like the doctor had tied a feather to a hook to go fly fishing. All that time being forced to work AND go thru physical therapy exasperated the damage to my neck which then required surgery because my left arm simply stopped moving. It was at that point the permanent occipital migraines began and the slog thru all the OXY began.

After all the fighting with insurance again my doctors finally got me approved to try a nerve conduction stimulator study used to confuse the pain signals from damaged areas usually used on peoples spines for back damage. I was the first to have one used on my head. I STILL deal with the symptoms of the migraines with the light sensitivity and sound issues when they are at full steam even though the stim for the most part keeps the pain levels livable. My level 3 pain is about a level 15 on a 10 scale for most humans. I know when the headaches are starting to get worse because I will sit here and look like I am crying because tears run like water falls and I know its time to go hide from the light again.

EDIT: I just reread your post again and realized this next part about the stim wont help your situation. You are living with a totally different issue medically but the similarities in pain and dealing with it are related is several ways.

On a final note if your pain levels are that bad you need that much medication I seriously suggest you have your doctors explore one of these implants to better manage your pain. All them meds long term will eat your kidneys and liver as they have mine. Luckily mine are not so damaged yet they are an issue but I am sure the older I get the more they will hate me and revolt.

In the end I hope what ever you are dealing with gets resolved as living with that much pain takes a serious mental toll as well. The longer it drags on the harder it gets to resist throwing in the towel forever. That still happens to me on really bad days and it is a struggle you will face if you are not already. People not dealing with such pain simply don't get it because they have no comparison. I still have people tell my to try off the shelf pain meds because it works on them...

After the reread I better understand your situation and apologize for the lack of sensitivity.
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Legendary member
1 together wing must look like this detachable.

2. would yoy prefered this profile:

3. or this:

2 "planes" cant get in sameheight, because interrence by detach.
or do someone have a better idea??

or somehow trick it to be like this....
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