I dunno about the storch . . . easy to fly, sure.
Build? Not for a first build.
Pretty much any of the planes you've listed (crackyak, cruiser, FT3D), I'd hesitate to recommend to a novice fixed wing pilot. Your heli experience will help with orentation but you'll want somethign fairly friendly . . . and more importantly easy to build to get familiar with all the details involved in that. Of the three, the Cruiser will be the best behaved, but it's by far the hardest of the three to build.
Piloting wise, it's probably below your skill, but waste a sheet or two of foam and scratch build an FT flyer. It's not that hard - one evening, two tops! -- but you'll get a feel for the material and how it handles before you start cutting something bigger. Not good enough for your taste? Put together a Bloody Wonder. It's a bit more complex build, but hard to mess up and yields a far more nimble plane.
After that, I'd point you toward an FT Spitfire. Simpler build than the cruiser, and a very forgiving airframe. It can be flown bank-n-yank, but flies better with the rudder, giving you a chance to work in that 4th channel without fear of botching it.