Configuration for FT Legacy V2 and Aura 5?


Active member
Hey guys,
Watching some of the FT videos Josh mentioned possibly having downloadable configs for certain planes at some point. Anyone know if that ever happened and if so where I can get the files? Thanks!


Site Moderator
Staff member
I’ve not seen anything. I’m not sure how practical it would be. The configuration totally depends on how you install the servos, flip them over or rotate them around and the setup will need to change.

Let us know what problems you are having, someone will have the answer.


Active member
I’ve not seen anything. I’m not sure how practical it would be. The configuration totally depends on how you install the servos, flip them over or rotate them around and the setup will need to change.

Let us know what problems you are having, someone will have the answer.

Well right now I think I have a bricked Aura...

It said there was a firmware update so I did it. During the install it popped up an error saying "please make sure drivers are installed" and I clicked OK. Now the board is just sitting with a fast flashing orange LED. Nothing else is happening. It's been like 10 minutes...