CranialRectosis' Twitchity Mini-Tricopter build


Faster than a speeding face plant!
Here is the dump after the reflash. I'm getting good at flashing this thing.

# dump
# Triflight 0.7 Beta 1 / RCEXPLORERF3 3.1.6 Apr 9 2017 / 13:08:24 (bf500bf)
name -
resource BEEPER 1 A00
resource MOTOR 1 A08
resource MOTOR 2 B00
resource MOTOR 3 A04
resource MOTOR 4 B01
resource MOTOR 5 NONE
resource MOTOR 6 NONE
resource MOTOR 7 NONE
resource MOTOR 8 NONE
resource MOTOR 9 NONE
resource MOTOR 10 NONE
resource MOTOR 11 NONE
resource MOTOR 12 NONE
resource SERVO 1 A07
resource SERVO 2 NONE
resource SERVO 3 NONE
resource SERVO 4 NONE
resource SERVO 5 NONE
resource SERVO 6 NONE
resource SERVO 7 NONE
resource SERVO 8 NONE
resource PPM 1 A01
resource PWM 1 NONE
resource PWM 2 NONE
resource PWM 3 NONE
resource PWM 4 NONE
resource PWM 5 NONE
resource PWM 6 NONE
resource PWM 7 NONE
resource PWM 8 NONE
resource SONAR_TRIGGER 1 A06
resource SONAR_ECHO 1 B01
resource LED_STRIP 1 B08
resource SERIAL_TX 1 B06
resource SERIAL_TX 2 A02
resource SERIAL_TX 3 B10
resource SERIAL_TX 4 NONE
resource SERIAL_TX 5 NONE
resource SERIAL_TX 6 NONE
resource SERIAL_TX 7 NONE
resource SERIAL_TX 8 NONE
resource SERIAL_TX 9 NONE
resource SERIAL_TX 10 NONE
resource SERIAL_TX 11 NONE
resource SERIAL_TX 12 NONE
resource SERIAL_RX 1 B07
resource SERIAL_RX 2 A03
resource SERIAL_RX 3 B11
resource SERIAL_RX 4 NONE
resource SERIAL_RX 5 NONE
resource SERIAL_RX 6 NONE
resource SERIAL_RX 7 NONE
resource SERIAL_RX 8 NONE
resource SERIAL_RX 9 NONE
resource SERIAL_RX 10 NONE
resource SERIAL_RX 11 NONE
resource SERIAL_RX 12 NONE
mixer TRI

mmix reset

servo 0 1000 2000 1500 90 90 100 -1
servo 1 1000 2000 1500 90 90 100 -1
servo 2 1000 2000 1500 90 90 100 -1
servo 3 1000 2000 1500 90 90 100 -1
servo 4 1000 2000 1500 90 90 100 -1
servo 5 1228 1908 1539 40 40 100 -1
servo 6 1000 2000 1500 90 90 100 -1
servo 7 1000 2000 1500 90 90 100 -1
smix reset

feature -RX_PPM
feature -VBAT
feature -RX_SERIAL
feature -MOTOR_STOP
feature -SERVO_TILT
feature -GPS
feature -FAILSAFE
feature -SONAR
feature -TELEMETRY
feature -3D
feature -RX_MSP
feature -RSSI_ADC
feature -LED_STRIP
feature -DISPLAY
feature -OSD
feature -BLACKBOX
feature -AIRMODE
feature -SDCARD
feature -VTX
feature -RX_SPI
feature -SOFTSPI
feature -ESC_SENSOR
feature VBAT
feature RX_SERIAL
feature FAILSAFE
beeper RX_LOST
beeper ARMING
beeper BAT_LOW
beeper RX_SET
beeper ARMED
beeper ON_USB
map TAER1234
serial 20 1 115200 57600 0 115200
serial 0 64 115200 57600 0 115200
serial 1 0 115200 57600 0 115200
serial 2 0 115200 57600 0 115200
led 0 0,0::C:0
led 1 0,0::C:0
led 2 0,0::C:0
led 3 0,0::C:0
led 4 0,0::C:0
led 5 0,0::C:0
led 6 0,0::C:0
led 7 0,0::C:0
led 8 0,0::C:0
led 9 0,0::C:0
led 10 0,0::C:0
led 11 0,0::C:0
led 12 0,0::C:0
led 13 0,0::C:0
led 14 0,0::C:0
led 15 0,0::C:0
led 16 0,0::C:0
led 17 0,0::C:0
led 18 0,0::C:0
led 19 0,0::C:0
led 20 0,0::C:0
led 21 0,0::C:0
led 22 0,0::C:0
led 23 0,0::C:0
led 24 0,0::C:0
led 25 0,0::C:0
led 26 0,0::C:0
led 27 0,0::C:0
led 28 0,0::C:0
led 29 0,0::C:0
led 30 0,0::C:0
led 31 0,0::C:0
color 0 0,0,0
color 1 0,255,255
color 2 0,0,255
color 3 30,0,255
color 4 60,0,255
color 5 90,0,255
color 6 120,0,255
color 7 150,0,255
color 8 180,0,255
color 9 210,0,255
color 10 240,0,255
color 11 270,0,255
color 12 300,0,255
color 13 330,0,255
color 14 0,0,0
color 15 0,0,0
mode_color 0 0 1
mode_color 0 1 11
mode_color 0 2 2
mode_color 0 3 13
mode_color 0 4 10
mode_color 0 5 3
mode_color 1 0 5
mode_color 1 1 11
mode_color 1 2 3
mode_color 1 3 13
mode_color 1 4 10
mode_color 1 5 3
mode_color 2 0 10
mode_color 2 1 11
mode_color 2 2 4
mode_color 2 3 13
mode_color 2 4 10
mode_color 2 5 3
mode_color 3 0 8
mode_color 3 1 11
mode_color 3 2 4
mode_color 3 3 13
mode_color 3 4 10
mode_color 3 5 3
mode_color 4 0 7
mode_color 4 1 11
mode_color 4 2 3
mode_color 4 3 13
mode_color 4 4 10
mode_color 4 5 3
mode_color 5 0 9
mode_color 5 1 11
mode_color 5 2 2
mode_color 5 3 13
mode_color 5 4 10
mode_color 5 5 3
mode_color 6 0 6
mode_color 6 1 10
mode_color 6 2 1
mode_color 6 3 0
mode_color 6 4 0
mode_color 6 5 2
mode_color 6 6 3
mode_color 6 7 6
mode_color 6 8 0
mode_color 6 9 0
mode_color 6 10 0
mode_color 7 0 3
aux 0 0 0 1325 2100
aux 1 27 0 1775 2100
aux 2 30 1 1725 2100
aux 3 0 0 900 900
aux 4 0 0 900 900
aux 5 0 0 900 900
aux 6 0 0 900 900
aux 7 0 0 900 900
aux 8 0 0 900 900
aux 9 0 0 900 900
aux 10 0 0 900 900
aux 11 0 0 900 900
aux 12 0 0 900 900
aux 13 0 0 900 900
aux 14 0 0 900 900
aux 15 0 0 900 900
aux 16 0 0 900 900
aux 17 0 0 900 900
aux 18 0 0 900 900
aux 19 0 0 900 900
adjrange 0 0 0 900 900 0 0
adjrange 1 0 0 900 900 0 0
adjrange 2 0 0 900 900 0 0
adjrange 3 0 0 900 900 0 0
adjrange 4 0 0 900 900 0 0
adjrange 5 0 0 900 900 0 0
adjrange 6 0 0 900 900 0 0
adjrange 7 0 0 900 900 0 0
adjrange 8 0 0 900 900 0 0
adjrange 9 0 0 900 900 0 0
adjrange 10 0 0 900 900 0 0
adjrange 11 0 0 900 900 0 0
adjrange 12 0 0 900 900 0 0
adjrange 13 0 0 900 900 0 0
adjrange 14 0 0 900 900 0 0
rxrange 0 1000 2000
rxrange 1 1000 2000
rxrange 2 1000 2000
rxrange 3 1000 2000
rxfail 0 a
rxfail 1 a
rxfail 2 a
rxfail 3 a
rxfail 4 h
rxfail 5 h
rxfail 6 h
rxfail 7 h
rxfail 8 h
rxfail 9 h
rxfail 10 h
rxfail 11 h
rxfail 12 h
rxfail 13 h
rxfail 14 h
rxfail 15 h
rxfail 16 h
rxfail 17 h
set task_statistics = ON
set mid_rc = 1500
set min_check = 1100
set max_check = 1900
set rssi_channel = 0
set rssi_scale = 30
set rc_interp = AUTO
set rc_interp_ch = RP
set rc_interp_int = 19
set rssi_ppm_invert = OFF
set input_filtering_mode = OFF
set fpv_mix_degrees = 0
set max_aux_channels = 14
set debug_mode = NONE
set min_throttle = 1070
set max_throttle = 2000
set min_command = 1000
set digital_idle_percent = 4.500
set 3d_deadband_low = 1406
set 3d_deadband_high = 1514
set 3d_neutral = 1460
set 3d_deadband_throttle = 50
set use_unsynced_pwm = OFF
set motor_pwm_protocol = ONESHOT125
set motor_pwm_rate = 480
set disarm_kill_switch = ON
set gyro_cal_on_first_arm = OFF
set auto_disarm_delay = 5
set small_angle = 25
set fixedwing_althold_dir = 1
set reboot_character = 82
set serial_update_rate_hz = 100
set gps_provider = NMEA
set gps_sbas_mode = AUTO
set gps_auto_config = ON
set gps_auto_baud = OFF
set gps_wp_radius = 200
set nav_controls_heading = ON
set nav_speed_min = 100
set nav_speed_max = 300
set nav_slew_rate = 30
set beeper_inversion = ON
set beeper_od = OFF
set serialrx_provider = SBUS
set sbus_inversion = ON
set spektrum_sat_bind = 0
set spektrum_sat_bind_autorst = 1
set tlm_switch = OFF
set tlm_inversion = ON
set sport_halfduplex = ON
set frsky_default_lat = 0.000
set frsky_default_long = 0.000
set frsky_gps_format = 0
set frsky_unit = IMPERIAL
set frsky_vfas_precision = 0
set frsky_vfas_cell_voltage = OFF
set hott_alarm_int = 5
set pid_in_tlm = OFF
set bat_capacity = 0
set vbat_scale = 110
set vbat_max_cell_voltage = 43
set vbat_min_cell_voltage = 33
set vbat_warning_cell_voltage = 35
set vbat_hysteresis = 1
set ibat_scale = 360
set ibat_offset = 0
set mwii_ibat_output = OFF
set current_meter_type = ADC
set battery_meter_type = ADC
set bat_detect_thresh = 55
set use_vbat_alerts = ON
set use_cbat_alerts = OFF
set cbat_alert_percent = 10
set align_gyro = DEFAULT
set align_acc = DEFAULT
set align_mag = DEFAULT
set align_board_roll = 0
set align_board_pitch = 0
set align_board_yaw = 0
set gyro_lpf = OFF
set gyro_sync_denom = 1
set gyro_isr_update = OFF
set gyro_use_32khz = OFF
set gyro_lowpass_type = PT1
set gyro_lowpass = 100
set gyro_notch1_hz = 400
set gyro_notch1_cut = 300
set gyro_notch2_hz = 200
set gyro_notch2_cut = 100
set moron_threshold = 48
set imu_dcm_kp = 2500
set imu_dcm_ki = 0
set alt_hold_deadband = 40
set alt_hold_fast_change = ON
set deadband = 9
set yaw_deadband = 9
set thr_corr_value = 0
set thr_corr_angle = 800
set yaw_control_direction = 1
set yaw_motor_direction = 1
set tri_unarmed_servo = OFF
set servo_center_pulse = 1500
set servo_lowpass_hz = 400
set servo_lowpass = OFF
set servo_pwm_rate = 300
set gimbal_mode = NORMAL
set channel_forwarding_start = 4
set tri_tail_motor_thrustfactor = 54
set tri_tail_servo_speed = 353
set tri_servo_feedback = RSSI
set tri_motor_acc_yaw_correction = 26
set tri_motor_acceleration = 0.180
set tri_yaw_boost = 240
set tri_dynamic_yaw_maxthrottle = 38
set airmode_start_throttle = 1350
set failsafe_delay = 10
set failsafe_off_delay = 10
set failsafe_throttle = 1000
set failsafe_kill_switch = OFF
set failsafe_throttle_low_delay = 100
set failsafe_procedure = DROP
set rx_min_usec = 885
set rx_max_usec = 2115
set acc_hardware = AUTO
set acc_lpf_hz = 10
set accxy_deadband = 40
set accz_deadband = 40
set acc_unarmedcal = ON
set acc_trim_pitch = 0
set acc_trim_roll = 0
set baro_tab_size = 21
set baro_noise_lpf = 0.600
set baro_cf_vel = 0.985
set baro_cf_alt = 0.965
set baro_hardware = NONE
set mag_hardware = NONE
set mag_declination = 0
set pid_process_denom = 2
set blackbox_rate_num = 1
set blackbox_rate_denom = 1
set blackbox_device = SERIAL
set blackbox_on_motor_test = OFF
set magzero_x = 0
set magzero_y = 0
set magzero_z = 0
set ledstrip_visual_beeper = OFF
set displayport_msp_col_adjust = 0
set displayport_msp_row_adjust = 0
profile 0

set gps_pos_p = 15
set gps_pos_i = 0
set gps_pos_d = 0
set gps_posr_p = 34
set gps_posr_i = 14
set gps_posr_d = 53
set gps_nav_p = 25
set gps_nav_i = 33
set gps_nav_d = 83
set yaw_p_limit = 500
set pidsum_limit = 0.500
set d_lowpass_type = BIQUAD
set d_lowpass = 100
set d_notch_hz = 260
set d_notch_cut = 160
set vbat_pid_gain = OFF
set pid_at_min_throttle = ON
set anti_gravity_thresh = 350
set anti_gravity_gain = 1.000
set setpoint_relax_ratio = 20
set d_setpoint_weight = 150
set yaw_accel_limit = 10.000
set accel_limit = 0.000
set iterm_windup = 50
set yaw_lowpass = 0
set p_pitch = 39
set i_pitch = 50
set d_pitch = 20
set p_roll = 24
set i_roll = 40
set d_roll = 27
set p_yaw = 107
set i_yaw = 40
set d_yaw = 105
set p_alt = 50
set i_alt = 0
set d_alt = 0
set p_level = 50
set i_level = 50
set d_level = 100
set p_vel = 55
set i_vel = 55
set d_vel = 75
set level_sensitivity = 55
set level_limit = 55
rateprofile 0
rateprofile 0

set rc_rate = 100
set rc_rate_yaw = 100
set rc_expo = 0
set rc_yaw_expo = 0
set thr_mid = 50
set thr_expo = 0
set roll_srate = 70
set pitch_srate = 70
set yaw_srate = 70
set tpa_rate = 10
set tpa_breakpoint = 1650



Faster than a speeding face plant!
BLHeli Suite shot:


Techno Nut
OK, Glad I threw BT#2 on the bench and started double checking. I had not flashed the latest BLH yet. DOH! That would have been bad... ESCs were on 16.3. So that leads me to believe I may not have put my DSHOT ready ESCs on.... That said, Here is what I see in BLH now that the right version is in there:
Note: I still see programming by TX and your screenshot does not show that.
Here's the summary tab that shows that all the ESCs are synced config wise.
Now, after I leave BLH I only got 4 beeps rather than 5. After I calibrated the ESCs, I now get 5 beeps.

So looks like this is a BLH issue. When you flashed the ESCs, did you tell it to save the settings? If so, either reflash them but tell it not to save settings or set them to default settings. See if your program by TX checkbox comes back. This may be an issue with cross-version config being incompatible.


EDIT: Think the 4th beep is has signal, and the 5th beep is signal is in range.....

EDIT2: To get the servo's tab in BetaFlight Configurator, check the advanced
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Faster than a speeding face plant!
Odd. I had to uncheck that today.

I reconnected and it is back... Odd.

Can you spin your motors in BLHeli Suite?

That was sick... I turned it back on and can now calibrate.

I almost want your phone number dude. I dare try dshot...
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Techno Nut
Moderator I dare try dshot...

I'm half tempted to try myself.... Just to find out if these ESCs have the caps or not. Just remember there is no ESC calibration for DSHOT, and min command is done as a percentage. (not played with it to know the exact details, but know there are some slight differences in config.



Faster than a speeding face plant!
It flies.

Putting it in dshot kills it and the ESCs won't chime the 4th and 5th chime nor will they spin motors but I can fly in Oneshot42.

It takes a bunch of throttle to get the motors spinning fast enough to fly and the tail tune (disarmed) doesn't seem to have worked correctly. The tail won't pivot to the left (right yaw) all the way like it did during the tune and the speed test.

It is a good bit peppier on 4S with 5040 BN props though. I can live with Oneshot42 if I can get the tail to pivot. I probably have a min throttle too low or something to fix the throttle.

But dang it...after almost 27 hours of fighting with it, it flies again! :)

It's dark out and raining but tomorrow is a work from home day so maybe at lunch time I can get in a lipo and record it. Dang I have missed my tricopter!


Faster than a speeding face plant!
I'm half tempted to try myself.... Just to find out if these ESCs have the caps or not. Just remember there is no ESC calibration for DSHOT, and min command is done as a percentage. (not played with it to know the exact details, but know there are some slight differences in config.


Somewhen in the hours of digging on Google I found a site listing caps or no caps with links to diagrams of the caps that need to be removed. I know my ESCs are capless because I looked it up and verified that the cap was gone.

This site may help.


Techno Nut
Yeah, mine didn't do much on DSHOT150, but, I'm not sure these are capless. Didn't get the other beeps until moving the throttle, and motors didn't spin. There may be some interrupt issues with DSHOT and standard config on the F3Fc. I'm just going to keep on with oneshot125 for the time being. I've never had issues with it, and my quads/tris have all flown very well with it. I'm still not a firm believer that all the other protocols are really an advantage. In theory yes, real world.... not sure.



Wake up! Time to fly!
Congratz on getting yours back in the air again Cranial. Perseverance seems the way of the dodo (us) this month hehe. Hey I replied to you in my KISS rant thread. I ain't typing that path all over again here but take a look both of you and see if its something you guys miseed or may not know.

As far as Dshot on Kiss Maybe my skills are still crap but I noticed a respectable difference with the tune I had at the time as far as smoothness after first installing. I think how much a difference you feel from it depends on the tune when you do the change over. Maybe use default pids for a bit and fly oneshot or multishot, then swap to Dshot and compare before tuning. It seems to be way easier to tune with Dshot (Again subjective) I did have that aha moment with the Skitzo tune video about the same time I swapped in Dshot so that could be some of it too.


Faster than a speeding face plant!
I have been using dRonin for so long... It's been a long while since I had to tune anything. I had my tricopter all tuned in Cleanflight and flying the way I wanted for two years until I decided to go to 4S.

I may still go to dRonin on this tricopter.

Autotune beats all comers at this point, IMO. :)
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Wake up! Time to fly!
Only because you got lazy about tuning with the Dronin hehe. Auto tune can not adjust for personal feel I don't think. I think it is an awesome way to get a base tune to start though. BTW when going from 3s to 4s your pids will change a bit to counter the harder torque. So a full readjustment on them is necessary. That was one thing I love about the *flights is you can have multiple profiles on the FC to bounce between. I have a 3s setup, a 4s setup and the third is what I use for tweaking existing tunes before I make a permanent change. Sure wish that was an option in KISS fc's.

Tuning is a personal thing and everyone's ideas on how it gets done vary. It all boils down to how it "Feels" when you fly. Like racers for instance. I see so many videos with racing quads that are poorly tuned and barely controllable yet the pilots do well with them. I am OCD and want things as best as I can possibly get them so I would tune for the most controllable and stable quad I can get. I want to hit my lines every time not over steer or over correct and be all over the place. Which is why I am excited about getting back in the air with my last settings before the FC took the final dump. I am charging batteries as we speak as its over 70 degrees and sunny already here at 11 am.


Techno Nut
I'm with CR on the autotune.... The manual tune hasn't clicked with me yet, and the auto-tunes I've been getting from dRonin are amazingly locked in. Maybe now with a yearish+ behind me, the manual tuning will start to click. Doesn't help that I build too much stuff to keep track of. ;)



Faster than a speeding face plant!
I have never had a better tune than with dRonin autotune.

The thing about manual tuning is that the software changes. If I have a tune I like and want to change props or go with a different type of lipo, with dRonin, I just autotune it.

With Cleanflight I have to update to the latest Cleanflight which suddenly calls my old ROM 'incompatible' and I have to start over from scratch, so once I have a tune, I tend to not want to mess with it because...Cleanflight. In this case, there is no triflight rom that is compatible with Cleanflight since last month. I had to go to Betaflight to start over... STOP THE MADNESS.

dRonin gets me in the air with a fantastic tune some 2-3 hours sooner.


Posted a thousand or more times
Dronin, never heard before but seems to be nice! Looks like LibrePilot. I will try.


Some guy in the desert
Only because you got lazy about tuning with the Dronin hehe. Auto tune can not adjust for personal feel I don't think.

Actually you can. There are two adjustments - damping and noise sensitivity which can be tuned to adjust the calculations. I can't give details on how they adjust it right now because I need a FC connected to pull up that part of the GCS....but they do let you adjust the tune calculations for a different feel.

Tuning is a personal thing and everyone's ideas on how it gets done vary. It all boils down to how it "Feels" when you fly.

This is where I have to disagree a bit. Tuning a PID controller is just a math problem. There is a correct solution and it can be found with the proper data. This isn't anything really new, commercial control systems have been doing it for almost as long as PID controllers have been around and the Ziegler–Nichols method dates from the 40s'.

Tuning a quadcopter...overall...yes it's a very personal thing. But the PID's are the least personal part of that. There's a fairly small window where things will work acceptably. A lot of people fly outside of that window for a variety of reasons:

  • They don't know how to tune
  • They can't be bothered to tune
  • They've never experienced a good tune
  • They'd rather fly than tune so good enough to fly is good enough

Seem to be the most common reasons I've experienced. And some people just flat out enjoy twiddling knobs/numbers more than actually flying. Personally I don't :D

That said dRonin's current autotune is not 100%. There are builds out there that it just flat out can't tune. The new stuff in the works should do much better at those cases but it's still likely that there will be edge cases that just can't be autotuned but even in those cases the new stuff will help figure out WHY. So far in development testing it seems that the most common reason things can't be tuned is vibrations. Some of those setups fly fine on BF because....

Betaflight has taken the approach of filtering the snot out of things by default so just about anything will fly on the defaults. But it comes at the cost of responsiveness/performance. A lot of people love bf because things "just fly" with the base tune...but with a better tune they'd fly a lot better. The past few weeks a lot of people seem to be realizing this as they turn off a lot of the default filtering in bf and find out much better their quads can fly. But add in a better tune with less filtering and then things really get impressive - the problem is tuning manually is a big pain and if you've never experienced a great tune it's hard to recognize one when you're trying to find one.

So yeah, you can fine tune an autotune for feel. But far too many people focus on adjusting PID's when they should be focused on their rates/expo for the kind of feel they're trying to achieve.


Faster than a speeding face plant!
Almost there.

I went outside to fly and the camera signal is just green. I dunno. Something came unplugged or hosed during all the testing yesterday...

It's not hot outside and the goggles work just fine with the Whoop.

Maybe after work I can try again, but DAMN does this copter fly well and I haven't even tried an armed tail tune yet.

Got back inside and apart and turned it on and it all works...

I must be compressing the VTX somehow.

Nope that's not it. I seem to be overexposing the camera. In bright light like outside, it just goes green.

Any ideas?
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