Im thinking that hybrid builds are going to eventually start to take over. plastic ribs/offsets with skins made out of lighter materials like shrink film or foam skin with custom printed parts that are more complex for control surfaces, electronic mountings, and scale details and whatnot. I mean, right now the last thing listed on the resources page is a mild form of just that, parts to make your P38 look awesome. a few fuselage and wing cutouts out of plastic and you got yourself a hybrid, with offsets you didnt have to cut out...
Think of the literally thousands of free plans available online that are simply a bunch flat pieces of balsa cut to shape and glued to each other. I have always heard that working with balsa is tedious, is it still tedious if you dont have to cut the pieces, they always fit each other perfectly with no sanding, if you break something you can just print another off in a few minutes, and can use superglue on the joints?
look at almost anything "fully" 3d printed. either they are going to extreme lengths to make something crappy that is only plastic, or they are using 3d printed parts in conjunction with metal inserts and rubber wheels and belts and other non printed items to make something that works.
We already have a really nice ways to skin wings, tail, fuselage, (foamboard, monocoat, tissue paper), but lack in repeatable complex shapes,(airfoils, curved nosecones, fuselage shapes, landing gear, canopies, ect.) and the ability to be rigid or to attach to rigid structural components like spars without compromising aesthetics or strength.
Imaging a 3d printed wing that is just a arrow spar and offsets that you then glue together and skin. way simpler to print, can be done in parts and glued together, and a huge aircraft can potentially be done on a relatively tiny build plate. whats more if you plan it right it would be just as rigid, if not stronger than as a balsa build. and you can have custom parts that piece together say like a removable wings, gun pods, motor mounts, magnetic battery trays, landing gear doors and other details that you wouldn't be able to do in flat balsa by hand, or with foam