Hi Guys,
i want to share my new Project i have started with a kolleague. We have a lot off fun in the office flying wit our micro quads, and because i´m infected him with the virus, we decide to make a project together. The Plan is to build a copter from Scratch with a size about 600 mm and full autopilot functionalities Camara Gimbal for aerial fotografy and additionaly FPV with a budget below 700 €
So we will make a groupbuild of two identical copter.
First decision was to choose which copter configuration, and we decided to build a Y6 copter. Y6 because the Tricopter Design is a nice Shape, and a Y6 configuration because of the lower complexyiy and safety compared to a tricopter.
Next decision was to Choose the motors. We decide to use the EMAX 2216.
The Decision was made because of the following facts:
runnable with 3s and 4s. 10" Prop is a nice size and i can use the Props also on my Tricopter and up to 1000g Thrust with 4s lipo each motor, which means a total lift thrust of 5,6 Kg including the efficency losses because of the motor configuration.
The current will be approximately 20 Amp each motor so we can use 25-30 Amp ESC´s. Before we buy the ESC´s and Lipos i will check the Power, Thrust and real current on a motor Testbench.
For the Frame we will use spare parts which are made for other copters and self made carbon plates for the main body.
THe Booms and motor holder are ordered from HobbyKing (16mm Carbon booms) they define the size of the Frame.
The Folding Mechanism for the front Booms will be the Parts from Tarot. They are Cheap and well designed.
for the Body we will use 2mm adn 1,5 mm carbon plates with the size 300x200 mm.
For the controller we decide to use the HKPilot32 with GPS and 433mhz telemetrie.
the motors are in Stock and for the Time we are waiting for the Booms and parts to be delivered i started with the Design of the frame in Sketchup.
This is the aktuall status. There is a lot of drawing and shaping needed. The Plates will be shapped when the decison for ESC´s is done, so we can calculate the space needed. Also the max folding angle of the Booms has to be defined. In the Picture its parallel to the rear boom. I will Post later pictures of the components. The diameter is 680mm and the angle of the front booms is choosen 135° to prevent the props affect the Cam picture.

i want to share my new Project i have started with a kolleague. We have a lot off fun in the office flying wit our micro quads, and because i´m infected him with the virus, we decide to make a project together. The Plan is to build a copter from Scratch with a size about 600 mm and full autopilot functionalities Camara Gimbal for aerial fotografy and additionaly FPV with a budget below 700 €
So we will make a groupbuild of two identical copter.
First decision was to choose which copter configuration, and we decided to build a Y6 copter. Y6 because the Tricopter Design is a nice Shape, and a Y6 configuration because of the lower complexyiy and safety compared to a tricopter.
Next decision was to Choose the motors. We decide to use the EMAX 2216.
The Decision was made because of the following facts:
runnable with 3s and 4s. 10" Prop is a nice size and i can use the Props also on my Tricopter and up to 1000g Thrust with 4s lipo each motor, which means a total lift thrust of 5,6 Kg including the efficency losses because of the motor configuration.
The current will be approximately 20 Amp each motor so we can use 25-30 Amp ESC´s. Before we buy the ESC´s and Lipos i will check the Power, Thrust and real current on a motor Testbench.
For the Frame we will use spare parts which are made for other copters and self made carbon plates for the main body.
THe Booms and motor holder are ordered from HobbyKing (16mm Carbon booms) they define the size of the Frame.
The Folding Mechanism for the front Booms will be the Parts from Tarot. They are Cheap and well designed.
for the Body we will use 2mm adn 1,5 mm carbon plates with the size 300x200 mm.
For the controller we decide to use the HKPilot32 with GPS and 433mhz telemetrie.
the motors are in Stock and for the Time we are waiting for the Booms and parts to be delivered i started with the Design of the frame in Sketchup.
This is the aktuall status. There is a lot of drawing and shaping needed. The Plates will be shapped when the decison for ESC´s is done, so we can calculate the space needed. Also the max folding angle of the Booms has to be defined. In the Picture its parallel to the rear boom. I will Post later pictures of the components. The diameter is 680mm and the angle of the front booms is choosen 135° to prevent the props affect the Cam picture.