Hey rcjetflyer, i've been learning a lot because of the teensy! right now i've got the wing of a Do31 that can hover!!!!!! still have lots of work to do till i can call it a plane but still a huge success. however i am a little stumped with how to set up the transition. In section 9.9 on the PDF it says "if(channel_6_pwm > 1500 { // hover mode". When i go directly below the controlMixer() (still in the control mixer section) the code says
//Example use of the linear fader for float type variables. Linearly interpolate between minimum and maximum values for Kp_pitch_rate variable based on state of channel 6:
if (channel_6_pwm > 1500){ //go to max specified value in 5.5 seconds
Kp_pitch_rate = floatFaderLinear(Kp_pitch_rate, 0.1, 0.3, 5.5, 1, 2000); //parameter, minimum value, maximum value, fadeTime (seconds), state (0 min or 1 max), loop frequency
if (channel_6_pwm < 1500) { //go to min specified value in 2.5 seconds
Kp_pitch_rate = floatFaderLinear(Kp_pitch_rate, 0.1, 0.3, 2.5, 0, 2000); //parameter, minimum value, maximum value, fadeTime, state (0 min or 1 max), loop frequency
my question is, am I in the wrong place or do i edit this part of the code?
(edit: i have another question... I don't quite understand floats. are they just servo trim?
once again sorry for the noob questions but here's some details of the project if it helps. I am using 4x2206 quad motors for hovering, and 2 larger motors as pushers along with rudder, aileron, and elevator. im building a Do31 like i said i was dreaming about! only this one will be powered by only props rather than edfs for a multitude of reasons. it is essentially a twin pusher with a quad copter in the wingtips.