The pictures didn't turn out worth a darn, but the Telemaster had it's maiden flight today. Absolutely nothing special or out of the ordinary to report, it took off and flew beautifully with only a little down elevator needed.
Take-off from damp turf wasn't going to happen, so I found a section of high ground that had the sod harvested recently. It was dry, smooth, and plenty wide/long for this plane. Take off took maybe 30-40' and it cruised along nicely at around 1/3 throttle.
I ran it for three flights, 30 minutes total, and used up maybe 16 ounces of fuel, quite a bit more than I expected, but still far less than bigger engines use. It coated the side of the plane with exhaust juice, and I'm hoping that's reduced quite a bit when I start going leaner with the mixture.
As the saying goes, "Nothing flies like a Telemaster!"