Emax Nighthawk 280 Pro - Dead?


Junior Member
Hey guys, just signed in.
many years in RC all around, but this ARF version got me stumped, Thought I'd have this up and running in one afternoon, but could not get baseflight fully configured to arm the quad. All seemed simple enough.
Using a new flysky 9, and receiver is bound, servo tested the channels.

Base flight was reading it partially but motors would never spool up after trying to arm, trying to set it up PPM or is this where it went wrong?

Loaded latest firmware, flashed etc.

The tried cleanflight and could not even get a connection, now baseflight wont connect either...

I need a full restart on this, unless the board is not working.

Will appreciate any help, willing to paypal some tip $$ to the people that can crack this one!!:eek:


Crashing Ace
so lets start on the base flight not working so once you connect to a different program and switch back you need to re flash and if that not the problem let me know and this might be a dumb question but ive done it before are you arming the quad according to what base flight say its not always rudder to the right.Another possibility is that you plugged the breakout cables in the wrong order it's red white to throttle
the brown wire plugs to aileron, green to elevator and yellow to rudder


Junior Member
Most say go with clean flight, so lets do that.

Want to start over completely.. which board should I choose from the dropown? 1.11 Naze? full chip erase? Baud rate?
Can I go over baseflight that is in quad now or erase it somehow?


Crashing Ace
are you comferatble with setting up everything again if so then chip erase and flash the board with the latest naze firmware on clean flight
chip earase deletes all history of any other firmware flasher its a clean slate now for choosing from the drop down menu i dont have the latest version of cleanflight so i dont know the exact newest version but there should be a date on the firmware so chose the latest one


Junior Member
did that a few times but then cleanflight opens port to quad and turn off again as no connection established??


Junior Member
no connection to quad, o matter what I do. weird, but it would a few days ago and was able to calibrate in baseflight


Junior Member
erased cleanflight, re installed, no diff, just no connect warning after 10 seconds, feel like turfing this thing in the trash..
blue lights on, green flashes in a sequence, makes the proper sounds when plugging in a 3S


Junior Member
erased baseflight re installed, plugged in, flashed, no response from bootloader, programming FAILED. I dont think I can get around this thing. I am thinking its corrupt or broken


Junior Member
it takes the USB and it will go thru the sequence if powering with flighpack, but no connect to cleanflight or BF.
Offering 100$ for anyone that make this thing come alive and get flyable


Junior Member
I'd rather be told (and reward) and be schooled about my major oversights, than have to send the frame back if that was really the case
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Junior Member
no changes, driver installed, latest flashed, not connecting...hard to be patient with it, thing was 500 CAD$ with radio and its sitting dead on the bench. No reply on other forums either


Junior Member
I bought it semi local, reputal store and have opened a claim. At this point I believe its frozen dead and I don't think anyone can bring it back


Wake up! Time to fly!
Dumb question. I had this when I first tried to arm the Naze32 advanced I use. I found that the settings after initial set up were not allowing the throttle stick to go past that 2000 to let the board know I wanted to arm it. I bumped the trim a tad to the right and it would arm. From there I learned that you must make sure the travel adjustments in the radio MUST make the range go beyond the 1000 - 2000 standard settings.

I go from 996 to 2008 and center at 1498 when reading thru software. Maybe you are having same issue. If you can re-flash the board and manage to wake it back up then that would be a place to look.


Junior Member
wish I could get that far, it wont connect to the quad so I cant even try a re flash, opens port and closes port after not finding configuration, wonder if the cable itself has an issue?? tried my usb cable from galaxy tablet, but its only a charging cable so I doubt it can do the job???