Old and Bold RC PILOT
Aus rules currently require that RC model aircraft be setup and operated in what is the safest possible manner at ALL times and any resulting legal liabilities are the sole responsibility of the operator, (The LAW)! There is NO defence in the old "Orders are Orders" argument and the regulations state that any club rules should be ignored if they conflict with the regulations. There was also a published advisory written in conjunction with the old school National Associations. According to the regulators, the advisory is only a guilde and it can be ignored in part or in total if it conflicts with the safest possible operation of the model. There are other laws, of course, around the proximity to buildings and people in line with the remainder of the world!
My view on the regulations is that they apply to me personally and my operation of my radio equipment. I use FlySky and it was not my first radio system choice. My first choices were made without consideration of much other than price and so I threw those systems away along with all of their receivers after struggling for over a year to get them to work.
Through much research I chose a radio with inbuilt telemetry and a menu driven failsafe setting procedure. I had spent a lot of time observing the local expert and the club rank and file using a variety of Spektrum equipment and LOS and flyaways were rampant, (they still occur but not because of the Radio itself but rather because the local and self-appointed Spektrum expert is as knowledgable about spektrum safe setups as is my youngest grandson)!
A few years ago, before the new regualtions came into force I tried to demonstrate a safer setup and handling procedure and well I unleashed a monster. The tirades of temper displays and abuse commenced and has never ceased. Eventually I became a club mentor and even a flight instructor but I steered carefully around the "Spektrum" radio user members as "He" is the expert!
Well from that date when any radio operator had an inadvertent motor due to incorrect setup, (always Spektrum users and caused by poor failsafe setup), I was blamed and it was pointed out that using my handling procedure, (What Spektrum refers to as Smart Safe), is dangerous. Mind you Spektrum states it is very safe and I agree after three years of using it. So I became a scape goat and whipping boy for the expert, (also the club secretary). I joined the committee and set about trying to provide better help and support for the membership.
Anyway the local national association introduced volentary "Competency testing" but the self-appointed and somewhat technically illiterate "Expert" framed the test around HIS specific operating requirements and the NOT LAW "Advisory", rather than the safest possible operation, (He also framed the test such that it suited Spektrum users alone and there was no requirement to even test the fail safe before flight). In addition the Spektrum "Push buttom" range test became mandatory for ALL radio systems.
He has since, (because I objected to the Brand specific test, club imposed rules, by him), told me that if I refuse to follow his test rules I will never be adjudged as competent and neither will anyone I have taught. In addition he has made the rule that TELEMETRY is not allowed for range testing as it is unsafe! Finally, (and in public), I was told that I will NEVER pass any competency test and he is to be the sole tester in my case and he will never judge me as competent! Mind you as an instructor, mentor, builder, repairer, and even a source for maiden flight trimming and setup for newbies, my actual flight skills are not lacking!
This demanded operation procedure is against the national regualtor laws and so there is a catch 22, or lose-lose situation in such a situation. If I follow the porcedure I break the law and if I follow the law I cannot ever pass! During my efforts to have the issue settled with the National Association I copied the national regulator into the email stream and the club ended up being asked by the regulator for the details on ALL Fly-Aways and LOS events that have occured in the past 2 years. Now as usual the blame is all mine! Mind you incident reporting by the club is a mandatory legal requirement and the Committee's responsibility to ensure that all incidents are reported!
A conference of committee members has been called but they refuse to supply any agenda so I suspect is to be punative in my direction even though it is the club rules that are not legal, and designed to exclude anyone not using Spektrum, (and in a specified manner). The matter at hand is as to whether the club has the right to over rule National Regulatory requirements!
Just to add to the whole mix is that I am a lifetime, (FULL), member of the local Veterans association and I have chosen the FlySky radio as a platform for single-handed 6 channel radio control usage for veterans and other amputees, and the use of Telemetry because it removes the requirement for the long walk to test the radio performance, (vital for those with difficulty walking or who are wheelchair bound). Under the club rules such a system is prohibited from any possibility of ever being assessed as competent regardless of the ability to fly!
Under the test rules unless you use Spektrum radios, (safe setup is not necessary or tested), you are excluded from a volentary and effectively trivial assessment. If you strictly adhere to the national regulations, (regardless of the radio brand), you are similarly banned from competency testing. All those battling disabilities including veterans are also excluded!
If you have an opinion against my stance or think that I am the one making unrealistic demands, please post it here so that I may be educated as to my folly and if you find the rules imposed, for what is not a legal requirement, appear to just be a matter of exercising power then you can let them know on Facebook "BNEMAC". The national Association is "AMAS"!
Call this a plea for a type of crowd funding that does not require a single cent! The permanent prohibition on competency testing imposed upon me was made in a fit of temper and in front of witnesses!
Have fun (I can't here).
My view on the regulations is that they apply to me personally and my operation of my radio equipment. I use FlySky and it was not my first radio system choice. My first choices were made without consideration of much other than price and so I threw those systems away along with all of their receivers after struggling for over a year to get them to work.
Through much research I chose a radio with inbuilt telemetry and a menu driven failsafe setting procedure. I had spent a lot of time observing the local expert and the club rank and file using a variety of Spektrum equipment and LOS and flyaways were rampant, (they still occur but not because of the Radio itself but rather because the local and self-appointed Spektrum expert is as knowledgable about spektrum safe setups as is my youngest grandson)!
A few years ago, before the new regualtions came into force I tried to demonstrate a safer setup and handling procedure and well I unleashed a monster. The tirades of temper displays and abuse commenced and has never ceased. Eventually I became a club mentor and even a flight instructor but I steered carefully around the "Spektrum" radio user members as "He" is the expert!
Well from that date when any radio operator had an inadvertent motor due to incorrect setup, (always Spektrum users and caused by poor failsafe setup), I was blamed and it was pointed out that using my handling procedure, (What Spektrum refers to as Smart Safe), is dangerous. Mind you Spektrum states it is very safe and I agree after three years of using it. So I became a scape goat and whipping boy for the expert, (also the club secretary). I joined the committee and set about trying to provide better help and support for the membership.
Anyway the local national association introduced volentary "Competency testing" but the self-appointed and somewhat technically illiterate "Expert" framed the test around HIS specific operating requirements and the NOT LAW "Advisory", rather than the safest possible operation, (He also framed the test such that it suited Spektrum users alone and there was no requirement to even test the fail safe before flight). In addition the Spektrum "Push buttom" range test became mandatory for ALL radio systems.
He has since, (because I objected to the Brand specific test, club imposed rules, by him), told me that if I refuse to follow his test rules I will never be adjudged as competent and neither will anyone I have taught. In addition he has made the rule that TELEMETRY is not allowed for range testing as it is unsafe! Finally, (and in public), I was told that I will NEVER pass any competency test and he is to be the sole tester in my case and he will never judge me as competent! Mind you as an instructor, mentor, builder, repairer, and even a source for maiden flight trimming and setup for newbies, my actual flight skills are not lacking!
This demanded operation procedure is against the national regualtor laws and so there is a catch 22, or lose-lose situation in such a situation. If I follow the porcedure I break the law and if I follow the law I cannot ever pass! During my efforts to have the issue settled with the National Association I copied the national regulator into the email stream and the club ended up being asked by the regulator for the details on ALL Fly-Aways and LOS events that have occured in the past 2 years. Now as usual the blame is all mine! Mind you incident reporting by the club is a mandatory legal requirement and the Committee's responsibility to ensure that all incidents are reported!
A conference of committee members has been called but they refuse to supply any agenda so I suspect is to be punative in my direction even though it is the club rules that are not legal, and designed to exclude anyone not using Spektrum, (and in a specified manner). The matter at hand is as to whether the club has the right to over rule National Regulatory requirements!
Just to add to the whole mix is that I am a lifetime, (FULL), member of the local Veterans association and I have chosen the FlySky radio as a platform for single-handed 6 channel radio control usage for veterans and other amputees, and the use of Telemetry because it removes the requirement for the long walk to test the radio performance, (vital for those with difficulty walking or who are wheelchair bound). Under the club rules such a system is prohibited from any possibility of ever being assessed as competent regardless of the ability to fly!
Under the test rules unless you use Spektrum radios, (safe setup is not necessary or tested), you are excluded from a volentary and effectively trivial assessment. If you strictly adhere to the national regulations, (regardless of the radio brand), you are similarly banned from competency testing. All those battling disabilities including veterans are also excluded!
If you have an opinion against my stance or think that I am the one making unrealistic demands, please post it here so that I may be educated as to my folly and if you find the rules imposed, for what is not a legal requirement, appear to just be a matter of exercising power then you can let them know on Facebook "BNEMAC". The national Association is "AMAS"!
Call this a plea for a type of crowd funding that does not require a single cent! The permanent prohibition on competency testing imposed upon me was made in a fit of temper and in front of witnesses!
Have fun (I can't here).