Foam Board Ford Tri Motor


Junior Member
Would love to see any and all Comments about a possible Ford Tri-Motor Build. I am currently trying to put the plans down on paper.


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I would personally forego the powerpods all together whithc will aid in accomplishing the scale look I would think.

That being said however you do it I love the idea of a trimotor. Go for it.


Flite is good
One of my all time favorite planes. It was always a special occasion to see it fly by.

Here is the best three view I was able to find. Hope this helps. I would love to see someone build it. I don't build or fly anything close to scale, so I will have to resign to admiring someone else's build.


good luck.


Active member
One of my favorite planes, but i would stick to same size motors for all 3 and do like above mentioned skipping the power pods. To a lot of us that read this section I doubt many would care if this plane was swappable or not, heck i have half a dozen swappables and none of them get swapped power pods, i just keep buying seperate electronics. I know, it's not very economical.


I build things that fly (sometimes)
Love the tri motor. A guy at our club has a small one that just has one main motor and 2 dummies that just spin with the wind. It does slow it down and waste power, but for him the weight savings and simplicity made it worth the lost watts.


Junior Member
I know this tread is a few months old but any new info? Anyone done it yet? I had a mini quad Motor go bad. So now I have 3 motors and I want to build that.