Hi guys, first of all thank you for your opinion.
Hi Claudio,
I took a look at the site and I saw a few things that I found disturbing.
I noticed that you have shared a lot of videos belonging to others from YouTube. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, except that you've monetized your site with AdChoices ads. You are essentially hijacking those videos for your own monetary gain.
In my opinion, videos should be shared to a site like this, only by the owners of the videos. There may be nothing illegal about what you've done, but it seems ethically questionable. I'm sure you didn't get David's permission to post his video so that you can profit.
I also noticed that you refer to multi-rotors as "drones". Again, nothing inherently wrong, but the term has been used in the media in a negative context. As such many of us would rather not have that term used to describe what we fly.
Of course, this is all just my opinion.
I absolutely agree with you, but as you said the website is on a very initial stage and I just wanted to put something on the homepage, i was not planning of doing this but nobody would share a video on an empty site. Obviously i sent a message on youtube to the uploader of every video I posted, I hope that soon there will be no need of sharing video not mine.
Even the ad is something I don't love, but I paid for server and theme, the purpose is not to profit but to recover what I spend. (I hope you can understand)
I also switched the name of the category from drones to multi-rotors.
Thank you for your help.
Profiting from other people's work always makes me weary. Even though the news does it all the time when they share YouTube clips. Same with other television shows.
I once had the Weather Channel ask if they could air a YouTube clip of mine. I knew that they would profit (only in a small way) from airing it and I would get nothing, but I let them use it because I greatly appreciated them asking if they could use it.
I get that the website just started and you want it to look busy, but it would probably be better to not share a bunch of other people's work under your name. It shows loose morals which will make people not want to use it. Besides, you shared some great videos and people will only want to enter stuff if they think that it could get a lot of views or a high rating. Do you think anyone could make a video even close to David's FPV in Space? I mean I'm sure that there are people that can, but not many and those that can already have a following on YouTube and don't need your site to promote the video. Admit what the site is, a place where intermediates can share their videos. Don't try to make it a best of YouTube highlight site.
This all just reminds me of a YouTube video someone made of quadcopter crashes. At the end of the video he admitted that none of it was his and that he would give everyone their respectable credit if he could. I called him out on wanting to give them credit but not actually doing it. He didn't even say which song he used. And I got a reply that said he couldn't give them credit because he didn't know them and then acted like a jerk by refusing to even tell me what song he used. Don't be that guy. Give people the credit they deserve, don't make it look like it's your work by submitting it to the website under your name. Although I see that you tried to give them their credit, but on the homepage it says "by Claudio" which makes it look like you're trying to take credit, which I'm sure you're not.
Again, the main thing is to keep the site amateur. It will promote more people to use it. Nothing wrong with funding the site and getting paid for your work on the site, but only post your own videos and let others do the same. The only problem I have is that you shared other people's work without their permission.
As you said I absolutely don't want to take credit for the other's work, at least I try to give them credits, altough when you post something on youtube it's because you want to share it with others, and if you allow the "embed" option you know that sites like mine can post it. (Obviously i would never re-upload a video.)
As I said above, this is only a temporary part. In the future I hope that there will be no need to post videos form "random" youtube accounts.
Thank you so much for the feedback guys, I really appreciate it.
EDIT: I kept thinking on what you both said, and by now I removed all the ads in the site.