FT Flyer


Elite member
OK, I think I got to the bottom of this. I just disconnected all my linkages to do the repairs, and found that the elevator didn't hinge evenly. The tailplane had bowed slightly downwards towards its ends so there was quite a bit of resistance to the elevator movement, but when I pressed it hard enough, it snapped to full movement like a spring. The foam-board I used is very stiff, not at all like the Flitetest board. I did my best with the heat gun to straighten it, so now I have smooth and even movement. I'll try again on Friday when the wind dies down. I should have plenty of time to practice being a right tosser by then.


New member
sorry for posting on this 2018 topic but as a wannabe RC flyer from India I have just scratch build the FT Flyer with the Depron Foam available locally. this is my first scratch built.

this will be the first time i will be flying an RC plane and I have dialed in low throws for the elevator and rudder using Expo/DR settings on my Taranis X9D+. ( yes invested in this as i plan to fly till my last breath, so thought of getting a good one)

my question to members is how to secure the tail of FT Flyer... as it has no stick or wheel at the rear end... won't the elevator take an hit while taking off from ground ? ( i don't plan to hand launch it as i will be alone and still don't have that hand launch confidence :) )

and please please wish me best of luck! :)



Legendary member
There should have been just a small triangle that stuck out the bottom (attached to the rudder).

You can glue a short length of bamboo skewer there to give a bit of clearance.

Welcome to the forum, if you are able to video the maiden and share it will let us celebrate with you or help if it didn’t go well.


Site Moderator
Staff member
Hard to tell from the picture, depending on the stiffness of the wire, you may need more supports to keep the wire from flexing under load. If so, I would add a zip tie on each side of the current one.


I know nothing!
I've never built the FT Flyer. I am afraid I cannot help with your question. I can however, wish you Luck! Good Luck with your Maiden and welcome to the Forum Family!


New member
wish to thank you all who have given their valuable time to reply to my post. __/\__

taking all the shared suggestions i have done the following...

hope it helps....




Legendary member
Here’s a pic of what I was referring to in the plans. Looks like you snipped it off.
NO biggie! You can go with what you have (what is that by the way, bluetak?)

But you might take a second look at the plans and cut out a small triangle that is close and just glue it to the bottom (I see you have the lines where the slot was to be cut, just glue it there.)


Legendary member
And.... (I always have a second thought after I hit post)... I agree with @Merv , try working the servos (with the radio) you DO NOT want any flex in the wires! That will just lead to crazy flights where sometimes it’ll listen to your control inputs and other times (probably right when it’s headed for a tree) it will ignore you.

Maybe a couple more zip ties if they flex too much.

This will also give you a chance to make sure everything goes the right direction too.
(Not that... you know.... I’ve ever had a plane face plant when I pulled back on the stick!) 🙄

I see now that blue stuff is transparent.... epoxy? 🤔


New member
Here’s a pic of what I was referring to in the plans. Looks like you snipped it off.
NO biggie! You can go with what you have (what is that by the way, bluetak?)

But you might take a second look at the plans and cut out a small triangle that is close and just glue it to the bottom (I see you have the lines where the slot was to be cut, just glue it there.)
View attachment 128729

thank you for sharing your idea.

that blue thing is a bead i found lying around in my house :)