Yeah, about that… I assembled it without the build vid (beta kit). There was no wood reinforcement in the spar. Folded the wings when I pulled out of a dive. Crunch. Rebuilt and still flies great!
On the store page for the Storch it has this motor as an option. How do you hold a prop onto a threaded shaft like that?
Also it looks really long, do you have to cut it?
Lock nuts and washers, but use two pairs -- one below and one beneath. There's a know quirk in that motor that if you tighten a prop agains the bell, it can casue the set-screw on the shaft to slip and the bearings will wear out quickly from it. Alternitively people have put on a retaining nut (not pulled tight ) and looped zipties around each prop blade and through the vent holes on the bell. that seems to work pretty well as a high-power prop-saver.
So the top and bottom nuts and washers just clamp the prop with friction?
I use an old gift card, chopped into 4 and drilled out, to reinforce my power pod and fuse's skewer holes. The added surface area really helps distribute the load, and it's thin enough for minimal interference with the power pod's removal.
A few have commented on the layout of the plans. I always get mine printed at a local print shop and they didn't even have a printer that could accommodate the size. We had to print them in two strips and I will have to tape them together. Since they are cutting these form 20x30 foam board, I don't see any reason they can't configure them such that they will fit on standard size sheets. This giant 55x60 something layout is not very good. Love the planes, don't like the new plans layouts....
I have not tried the Storch tiled plans, but I have built enough planes form tiled plans to know that I don't like taping together pieces of paper... As it stands, I have one seam to tape and that's fine. In the future if they don't fit on a standard sheet, I'll download the software recommended by willsonman and rearrange them myself. Not a big deal, I do appreciate what FT does for RC. The FT Old Fogey was my first RC plane in almost thirty years. It was FT and their zany videos that got me back into this hobby! Now I am solidly addicted and still love building and flying their planes. This Storch will be a fun plane. I am not getting down on them, I guess I probably shouldn't have said anything...