FT Simple Storch - BUILD


Is anyone having a problem with the elevator bending at the thin area in the middle? In the video Josh talks about re-enforcing it, but never actually does it in the video. I tried a popsicle stick but it just bends at the control horn.


Is anyone having a problem with the elevator bending at the thin area in the middle? In the video Josh talks about re-enforcing it, but never actually does it in the video. I tried a popsicle stick but it just bends at the control horn.

This is an issue with all the FT elevators and I've been doing this to fix the issue:


Flugzeug Liebhaber
I haven't had issues after hot gluing the hinge point. I run a thin bead, then make a pass with a scrap of foam to thin the glue layer so it's flexible.

I flat out abused the storch over the weekend and the skid was the only problem area, will install tailwheel soon.


Maker of skins and decals for foam board RC planes
Thinking on building the Storch. I'd really like to design and print out on tissue paper some art for it. Started working on it already.
FT Storch Art Proof.jpg
Red lines are FT plan lines. I plan to print it out on 13X30 sheets of tissue paper to save weight.
I guess I feel bad ignoring the 5 other FT kits sitting there staring at me. Is there a 12 step program for FT kits?


I'm a care bear...Really?
Has the supplemental video come out yet? I want to know the setup and mixes Josh uses.

The mixes are not hard. If you have a computerized radio there should be an option for flaperons and mixing in rudder is simple as well. Just create a mix with the ailerons as primary and rudder is the second. He told me he used about 40% I put for the rudder


FT CAD Gremlin
Staff member
Does anyone know how to setup flaperons on the OrangeRX T-Six?


FT CAD Gremlin
Staff member
Does anyone know the diameter of the landing gear wire?

I measured the stuff that was in my pre-production kit. It is 32 gage (.090" / 2.3 mm) and each piece is 15.5" (40 cm) long. I don't think this changed for the production kits, but if anyone that has one can verify, that we be helpful.


FT CAD Gremlin
Staff member
Rasterize, that looks awesome. Nice job so far. :applause:

Thinking on building the Storch. I'd really like to design and print out on tissue paper some art for it. Started working on it already.
View attachment 30387
Red lines are FT plan lines. I plan to print it out on 13X30 sheets of tissue paper to save weight.
I guess I feel bad ignoring the 5 other FT kits sitting there staring at me. Is there a 12 step program for FT kits?


Active member
I'll build one in the future as a night flyer. For now I have enough projects. I'll be looking forward to feedback about the box style spars. are they strong enough. I always end up adding wood or cf spars as I've folded a few wings


New member
Got the 20x90 files someone posted here printed (Thanks by the way). now to tape it all together and start building this weekend. Only wish the posted re arranged file had a scale in it to make sure It printed right.