FTFC24: Build-ruary by bwarz


Master member
Build skill level = 4 (probably a bit rusty - it has been a while)
Pilot skill level = 3 (probably a bit rusty.... you get the idea)

This challenge lit a fire under my butt two years ago and I'm hoping for the same result for 2024.

Strong possibilities that are high on my list:
  • FT Mini Guinea - COMMITTED
  • FT Mini Mustang modded to a P51B razorback or maybe the MiniacRC P51B Mustang
  • MiniacRC Mini Ju87 Stuka - COMMITTED
  • Ratcheroo Simple Staggerwing
  • Ratcheroo Kadet (finally????)
  • 13th Squadron P61 Black Widow - COMMITTED
  • FT Alpha (or one of the three....) - COMMITTED to the Alpha
I also have a few plans that were started as MS style from multiple sources for 3-views, prototype plans, or balsa build plans:
  • Vultee XP54/XP68
  • Vultee P66 Vanguard
  • P40E (Resurrection of plans started in the aftermath of my P36)
  • Avia B534
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Master member
FT Mini Guinea
Link to plans: https://forum.flitetest.com/index.php?resources/ft-mini-guinea.169/

Link to FT build video:

I cut one of these out for my son to build last year and wanted to build one for myself! He built it but has yet to finish it - so perhaps if I get going on it, he might be motivated to finish it (finger crossed!) It would be fun to both fly the same plane at the same time - different paint schemes of course 😁

Feb 2 - Starting on the Mini Guinea 9:28PM

Ready for electronics 10:30PM

This build is a normal next-step Flite Test build. It has a few curves that are good for the new builder to try something different and build a new skill. I chose not to put the drop bay in the back and just simply build it plane Jane 4 channel. I have not done anything with differential thrust although I do have several twin engine builds (Bronco, Sea Duck, and Mini B17). I've done enough builds I didn't watch the buil video here either. Just a quick peek to see about installing the battery tray. I did oversize the cutouts in the rear for 9g servos as I've got a good quantity of them. Just be patient with the nose and be sure to pre-form the foam! Even with cutting things out this is really a nice and easy one evening build.

As I have never flown one of these (that's changing very soon) I can't yet rate the Pilot Skill...
Build Skill = 1.5-2.0 (1.75?) - this is a very simple straightforward build and were it not for the curves it'd be a 1 all day long.

The livery here is yet TBD - maybe a nice basic white. Perhaps I'll call it "Plane Jane" - how about some nose art?

I might put electronics in it tonight, I might not. I'm distracted right now so we'll see.
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Master member
Miniac RC Mini Ju87 Stuka
Link to plans: MiniacRC Mini Stuka AIO release plans.pdf


Link to build thread (includes doc on build instructions) : FT Article - Mighty Mini JU87 Stuka

I built one of these very early on in my journey and had a friend maiden it for me. I eventually got to fly it and it flew great. I was always quite cautious with it as I really like the build and felt very attached to it :LOL:. Unfortunately I lost signal last year at FF23 and it did not fare well. I NEEEEEEED another one and don't have room for a larger one (but maybe one of these days I'll get to build the one by @Niez13 !)

Update for Feb 1st - the beginning of Buildruary!
It started the evening like this:

...and ended the evening like this...

IT was refreshing to build again - it has been quite a while. A few notes of the build:
MiniacRC's plans are very good - things go together nicely and the plans are pretty much like the FT so far as the patterns and colors go. This build is a little more advanced but does go together pretty quickly. There are two options for the fuselage (Ju87A and Ju87D?). Gluing up the fuselage takes some paying attention to square and keeping things aligned - not paying attention is was very easy to allow the slightest of twists when gluing the top front together. Pay close attention to alignment of top to the right side. The wings take a little sanding or trimming at the middle to provide a good solid joint. I installed the aileron servos (9g) after the wing was installed in the fuselage using a 10mm wide strip of cardstock to fish the servo wires through the completed wing. (9g servos wouldn't fit when putting the wing through the fuse anyways) I didn't use the gear as everywhere I fly would be grass landing, which for sure would quickly and forcefully remove the gear!
He does have a good build document describing everything, but the parts are well labeled and pretty straightforward that I built it without referencing the doc at all (I have built quite a few DTFB planes though...)

In all it took me about 3-4 hours of time to build and install all of the electronics plus probably less than an hour to cut it out.

Build skill (1-5) - I would give this a 2.5-3 due to the wings and closer attention to putting things together.
Pilot skill (1-5) - I'd put this at a 2-3. It's not a super slow flier but it does handle relatively easily from what I recall. UPDATE - it falls somewhere between the 2 and 3, maybe closer to a 2 though. The ailerons look so small but have plenty of authority, and it is a good stable flier!

Feb 11 - It's been a busy weekend and I have not yet had time for painting anything, but the day was calm and sunny (and 32F) so my son and I decided to head out for a fly. I was happy to successfully maiden the Stuka and the Alpha today!

Hopefully I'll get paint on it before the end of the month!
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Master member
FT Alpha

Link to plans: FT_Mini_Alpha_v1.0_Tiled.pdf
Link to FT build video:

I had built an Alpha a few years ago for my son. He took forever to decide to fly it so I beat him to it. After a few times of watching me fly, he gave it a go and I have not been able to get it back! So here again I build one for myself so we can go fly them together!

Ok - this is a bit embarrassing... I had misplaced a few parts for the P61 last week so I decided to glue up a few bits of the Alpha. Two hours later I was wrapping it up - and no pics of anything other than the very end!

Build skill - probably a 3 out of 5. I'll add some notes below, but the curves of the nose can be a bit challenging for a beginner builder.
Pilot skill - 2 out of 5. I really can't say much about this one - it's so easy to fly with a little practice under your belt. Slows down nice too.

Some of my build notes:
I actually went back and watched a little of the build video. There's quite a bit going on here that's a bit different for the normal FT builds. Not bad, just different. I did do a few things in a different order with fine results (glues the main fuselage to the top first instead of the bottom). Note on the wings to be sure to align the rear inside edges of the top and bottom skins. I needed to remove half an inch of paper form the leading edge along the 45 degree cuts to help ease tings along.
One thing that I have done is add a piece of foam board to the bottom of the canopy sloping forward to catch on the under side of the fuselage top. You have to attach the canopy front first, but this will eliminate any fears of the canopy catching the wind and ripping off mid-flight! (pic to follow hopefully)

I did get to toss this one up for a maiden flight today! They fly quite easily, slow down nice, and easily push vertical. I highly suggest a good paint job with an easily discernible top and bottom! (yes, paint to come, hopefully before the end of the month!)
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Master member
13th Squadron P61 Black Widow by @Niez13

Plans and build pics can be found here: https://www.13thsquadron.com/p-61-black-widow.html
Scroll down a bit and you'll find different variations of the plans, or you can grab the PDF on 11x17 here

I've built a few of 13th Squadron's designs (FW190 and the F6F Hellcat) and thoroughly enjoyed the build and flying the finished product. I do have a soft spot for WW2 planes and the Black Widow has long been a favorite. I think I put the plans onto foam board 3 years ago and they've been stashed under the basement couch ever since. Now seems like as good a time as any to FINALLY get to it.

A few notes on this one before I get started - I wish I would have put it on black DTFB. For something that gets painted all black it would have saved me a step! (I just had a suggestion from @CrshNBrn to not use black as it was not quite as forgiving as the white and the paper was pretty bad coming off... just an FYI for anyone thinking about it...)

Build skill - 5 all the way. Definitely not a first build lol

Feb 2 - started to roll the booms tonight, which ended up in a full start of the build. Early impression is the patterns are spot on (as I have found of each of the @Niez13 designs that I've built) but this one is a bit of a challenge. Two booms and the fuselage pod means quite a few more formers to deal with. The build pictures are good to be able to figure out how things go, also the notes on the plans help out as well. It is a more intricate design so the build process requires a bit of referencing the build photos. I did get most of one wing built, and that comes with a build note: a good clean bench edge was a must for me holding things together to let the glue dry. The boom structure attaches to the spar before the skin goes on, so the boom former has to hang off the table while you hold the bottom skin onto the spar. I couldn't figure out what his plans were to get the aileron servos in, though, so I switched to my go-to method and cut a spot in the wing bottom for the servo and plan to run the wires up through the front wing cavity.

No complaints at this point - except I still can't find my servo tester, which is why I started this one so early :ROFLMAO:

The pile-o-parts prior to starting on the build...too big to snap the pic on the workbench
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Master member
I need to draw the line somewhere... I do want to catch up on lost time - I really haven't built anything since a few before FF23. I did start to get plans on foam board and getting started on cutting things out (the 6 sheets for the P61 are daunting for sure). I think that I'll add in the @Ratcheeroo Staggerwing and maybe even the MiniacRC P51B, leaving one last slot should I really get up the nerve to start back up on a design of my own from prototype drawings and three-views - leaning toward the Avia B534...

...but now as I look at my other options I'm still unsure! Time availability will tell...
...or the Vultee P66...

...or the Vultee XP68...(without the contra-rotating props)


Elite member
That is a great list. The Miniac Stucka was one of my early planes too. I should make another as well that is a fun plane, and the Vultee I love that plane. I am eager to see it built


Master member
Prepped to rock and roll - just finished cutting out the P61. Other 3 cut and ready as well. Now to inkscape for some plans and maybe I'll decide tomorrow to cut something else out. I'm thinking the P61 might be a tall order after being absent from building for so long 😐:ROFLMAO:
Like the XP68 is gonna be any better :ROFLMAO: I have a feeling I'm gonna need some rockin' mood music for the month


Master member
XP68/XP54 plans are rewinding to an almost start-over. I like the lines of the 68 better but the 54 vertical stabs are cooler. The booms on the 54 may be a little easier to accomplish also (a bit larger). I was going to try to match the airfoils as much as I could but it's proving to be a miserable build. So trashing what I had and beginning again. I may take this as an opportunity to fast-track this design and not try to do anything else beyond the four that I've committed to. But then again, that decision will for sure change in about 20 minutes...


Master member
Build #1 (Stuka) electronics installed and ready for paint and maiden as of 1:00AM :ROFLMAO:
Tonight going to either be the Mini Guinea and some test plans for the XP68 wing...TBD Not sure I can do a 2 days 2 planes...


Elite member
13th Squadron P61 Black Widow by @Niez13

Plans and build pics can be found here: https://www.13thsquadron.com/p-61-black-widow.html
Scroll down a bit and you'll find different variations of the plans, or you can grab the PDF on 11x17 here

I've built a few of 13th Squadron's designs (FW190 and the F6F Hellcat) and thoroughly enjoyed the build and flying the finished product. I do have a soft spot for WW2 planes and the Black Widow has long been a favorite. I think I put the plans onto foam board 3 years ago and they've been stashed under the basement couch ever since. Now seems like as good a time as any to FINALLY get to it.

A few notes on this one before I get started - I wish I would have put it on black DTFB. For something that gets painted all black it would have saved me a step!
I used black foamboard for my 13th Squadron P-61 and wished I hadn't. It was much more challenging to remove the paper from the foamboard and it didn't want to curve very well. You'll notice I don't have a lot of pictures of my Black Widow on the forum- the booms looked horrible. Yours will be much smoother, no doubt. It is an easy flyer, too! Good luck with the build.


Master member
I wrapped up the foam board work this evening on the Mini Guinea and thought I'd roll the booms for the P61 then get going on the electronics in the Guinea. I spent a bit hunting for a servo tester and came up empty-handed... which turned into starting to build P61. Half of the main wing just about done, the other half pretty well prepped. The booms took me quite a while to get rolled and I still don't think they're rolled well enough. Day two down (actually a few hours into day three!)


Master member
Updates to the Stuka and the Alpha - successful maidens today! The last several days have been tough to get time to build (and I missed the build party :confused: Friday night...) I might try to get some paint time in, but more importantly I neeeed to get back going on the P61! ...no progress on the Vultee XP68 Tornado though. Still have the test plans for the wing skins and spar not making it to foam board yet.