FTFC'25 WWII P-59 Airacomet designed by Telnar1236


Elite member
I didn't see this competition till today, but it looks like they're still accepting entries, so I will be building a P-59 Airacomet. I've always thought it looks like it should fly great and it fits the bill of a WWII plane that never saw combat. The jet inlets should be plenty big to allow for good thrust and the wing is big with a lot of dihedral. I like jets for their lack of torque and smooth flying characteristics (and because they look cool) but not everyone wants a plane that you need to stay on top of all the time, so this should make an excellent jet trainer. I plan to build a 64mm EDF foam board design, possibly with optional servo driven retracts, although that may prove too heavy. If the competition rules allow, I will design optional 3D printed accessories to improve the appearance, but they will not be necessary to have a functional and complete plane.

For those who are not familiar with the plane, the P-59 was the first jet fighter from the US. It was in many ways a very conventional design with limited performance, but it paved the way for later aircraft like the P-80 and was a window into the future of the USAAF and USAF.

I probably won't start on building this for another couple weeks, but wanted to put it in the competition now since technically it's already a bit late.