I kid you not Kilroy! Here's the link:
Here's my email to Adams requesting another vendor source:
"Dear Sir or Ma’am,
I’m writing you in regard to a product you manufacture. Your Redi-Board 8018 Black 18 count has become a staple in many of my projcets. Unfortunately, I’m having a very difficult time finding a supplier. Would it be possible to get some information on who may carry this in stock and if there are any online vendors available? I appreciate your time and any information you may be able to provide. Thank you!
Daniel L. Wilkie
IT Manager"
I'm looking now at some different waterproofing methods with this board. It's just as light as white and reacts to anything acrylic exactly the same way. I saw a vid with the cat from Projectair using a Valspar spray sealer. I haven't found exactly what he used yet but when I do I'll put it to the test. I'm not keen on pealing paper and re-adhering especially when the color is perfect already.
Actually I wasn't aware you were on a Blackbird project! I've been watching the one by squirreltail though as the SR-71 is in my top 10 favorite airplanes. I built a BEAUTIFUL Estes rocket model when I was 12 (which I successfully launched once... into the gulf of Mexico). I was actually looking at rebuilding that model as a micro rc (perhaps twin 1104s with clear 3 blade 4" props... hmmm.....).
I'll repost when and if I hear back from Adams. I actually didn't even know the foam was black until I got it out of the box.
One word of warning. There are LOTS of foam board vendors that believe their board is made of pure straight grain balsa. I've seen prices as high as 97 bucks for 25 sheets of white. Much much higher when looking at trifold. I actually think I may have scored this as a mistake as the vendor shows unavailable for all of their boards now...