HBZ Champ attempted mod- Aerial Drop (non-controllable)


Senior Member
I attempted an aerial drop module mod on my Hobbyzone Champ, and I can't tell if it works because I still need to get a new wing and tail set.
Here is how to do it anyways, see if anyone can fix it or improve it for me.
Step 1:
Take a Barbeque Skewer and make 2 small holes with the pointed tip and continue a bit with inward but not so deep anywhere on your plane except for the roof or top of wing.
Step 2:
Break 2 small pieces from the Barbeque Skewer and make sure that both are non-pointed.
Step 3:
Insert the 2 skewer pieces into the holes you made.
Step 4:
Between the 2 pieces, insert your desired small and light cargo.
Step 5:
Secure the cargo with rubber bands, attaching one end of a band to a piece.
Step 6:
Make sure your bands are so close to the tip that they will separate in flight.
Step 7:
Go flying and stay in air until the rubber bands separate from the pieces with your cargo.
Once I get the new wing and tail, I will try the drop with a Luden's cough drop.