Help- mighty mini tiny turbo


New member
Are there written instructions and diagrams for building this? I am following the video, and at the part where I’m gluing the servos in, but am so confused. The video does not show which way the servos are to be glued. I need an “after” piccture.

For reference, I am the mom of a 12 year old and we know zero about planes or building them. This is our first. So I’m gonna need some pretty specific instruction.


Make It Fly!
Are there written instructions and diagrams for building this? I am following the video, and at the part where I’m gluing the servos in, but am so confused. The video does not show which way the servos are to be glued. I need an “after” piccture.

For reference, I am the mom of a 12 year old and we know zero about planes or building them. This is our first. So I’m gonna need some pretty specific instruction.
This is an image of a different plane, but same basic servo locations and install. Your push rods will be using Z-bends to connect to the servo horns. (Discribed in the build video)
Be sure the elevator and rudder are level and straight when glueing the servo's to the inside of the fuselage.
Feel free to ask any questions.