I have a horrible confession to make...


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
Riiiiggghhhtt. Yeah, I'll just knock a couple of those out on my lunch break tomorrow... :ROFLMAO:

Compared to the build overall, the kitbash steps were a piece of cake ;)

I've got the plans for these added parts. I'll take another pass at cleanup and release them shortly after the official plans release.


Master member
Compared to the build overall, the kitbash steps were a piece of cake ;)
I've got the plans for these added parts. I'll take another pass at cleanup and release them shortly after the official plans release.

THAT would be worth Doing! Your kitbash looks GREAT!! (y)(y)


Master member
If you're refering to the maiden of my tri-legacy . . . Yeah, but most of that was racing the sun to maiden. I ended up reducing the throws on all quite a bit (my fault -- never set them against the gage), adjusted the outer nacell's throttle mix, reduced the thrust differential a bit and added a bit of downthrust on the main motor.

Simple trimming any model benefits from, and she turned into a pussycat. Only issues from the kitbash itself was the neutral thrust angle from the outer nacelles. In retrospect, they need a bit of adjustable down. The rest were from rushing through the details.

Oh ok, that was you.. Awesome! I don't remember names like I used to... Must be my old age of 37, soon to be 38. Probably still young to some,but I can tell I'm not as sharp as I used to. I kinda figure it was some minor trimming and adjustments that was needed. You should put up an updated video. When the sun is setting is the worst time for me to fly too.


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
Oh ok, that was you.. Awesome! I don't remember names like I used to... Must be my old age of 37, soon to be 38. Probably still young to some,but I can tell I'm not as sharp as I used to. I kinda figure it was some minor trimming and adjustments that was needed. You should put up an updated video. When the sun is setting is the worst time for me to fly too.

I'd say it gets worse, but I don't recall it ever being any better ;)

Sad to say the ground trimming and flight happened at FFTX . . . in the golden hour once again . . . and no video :( (at least that I know of)

She still ground-loops badly -- put that much mass and thrust out on the wings of a tail-dragger and she starts needing help keeping her nose straight. Tail wheel helps, but I think she needs a bit of toe-in on the LG -- as soon as the tail wheel get's light, she becomes a handful. Haven't made it back out to a field since I got home (and was able to take a vice to the LG), but I'll try to take a vid when I do.


Master member

She still ground-loops badly -- put that much mass and thrust out on the wings of a tail-dragger and she starts needing help keeping her nose straight. Tail wheel helps, but I think she needs a bit of toe-in on the LG -- as soon as the tail wheel get's light, she becomes a handful. Haven't made it back out to a field since I got home (and was able to take a vice to the LG), but I'll try to take a vid when I do.

I know I'm hooked on this idea..... but wouldn't a Tricycle Landing Gear sort that issue?


Active member
Interesting - thread. I agree with Hai that there have been some issues with late builds.

Now, my confession - I build pretty much EVERYTHING when it comes out, a lot of it flies once, then gets scrapped. (I like building as much as flying)
Some recent "experiments" that didn't work out so well

FT Cub - Why in the world is this plane so hard to build correctly to get it to fly? It's a cub for cying out loud

Versa Wing - had better luck with an EDF version than I did with the pusher, but could have been builder error..

on the cub... did you go right for the ailerons?... I ran mine with 3ch for a few times and it was an amazing flying plane... my fav 3ch (etr) plane to date... when I went to the ailerons I had tons of problems... seems the wing folded where it went from the doubled fold over section to the single portion which changed the wing incidence... I've used some Popsicle sticks to support it and keep things stable... I haven't flown it since though as I was busy building FFTX stuff... in the crashing I also managed to rip the nose off the front and lose my landing gear... I fixed that but it'll belly land until I build another...

the versa wing was a pain to get the CG right... I ended up cutting the rear section off by over an inch to move the motor further forward which helped... once I got the CG correct it was a very fun and good flying wing... prefer it to the RMRC recruit, CTH assassin, s800 reptile... the blunt nose is another fun one but it's more of a cruiser wing... the width of it doesn't spin like the normal versa.

to the OP... I can understand for the most part... the legacy seems to be very much a nicer, bigger cub... I'm real impressed with how the flaps are designed on it compared to prior planes... and the twin or 3 motor option is pretty fun... my son and I where given a cupon for a speed build kit for volunteering... based on transport vehicles I skipped the sea duck which is very high on my list of wants and we ended up coming home with the legacy and the edge... very different planes... I think the legacy should be fun buddy boxing... I want to build a scratch build also with diheral, single motor and see how it would be as a night flyer with LEDs stuffed throughout it.... with the drop box it could make some fun drops at night me thinks...

on the other list... the sparrow was a fun one... flies better than it should for it's size and the prop noise makes it sound so fast... biggest issue with it is that the nose needs to be longer to get CG right without adding weights... explorer I like the concept, but having a multiplex easystar and seeing the bixlers and strix stratosurfers around I don't see me building one vs buying something similar... the bronco looks like a lot of fun to me, just has a good look IMHO and twin engines are fun... but the build form would be difficult to store or transport right now ... the cruiser... agree.. meh.. maybe one day i'll build it.


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
I know I'm hooked on this idea..... but wouldn't a Tricycle Landing Gear sort that issue?

It would, but in my case, tricycle gear would not be a "scale" detail of the Ford Trimotor. I left the flaps off her for that very reason -- the Ford Trimotor doesn't have them (and with a stall speed around 35 knots, doesn't need them). Flaps are a soft option on the legacy IMO -- They do work and the slower take-off/landing would reduce the ground-handling issues, but she's pretty tame in the air at fairly low speeds as it is.

If you're kitbashing and wanted to move the landing gear mount aft and squeeze in a nose wheel under the power pod, it could be done with relative ease.


Master member
Oops! I was thinking about the as built Legacy..... Which I will probably do the Nose Gear when I get one.


I think the legacy is a neat plane. He said he was being nostalgic with the build anyways since it reminded him of his childhood. I build planes very similar to it that I use mainly for glider tows. The design is stable and pure. Its not designed to be a sport flyer, just the FT version of a classic RC plane.
As far as people with cub issues, I put my speed build kit together and it flew perfectly. No trim at all! I already new to beef up the trailing edge of the wing for the rubber bands because I scratch build a lot of high wing aircraft. The FT planes are designed to be fun, not to last years to come. I think they offer a good selection of models, and if nothing else, they teach you how to build so you can use your imagination and create your own. For that reason, I will be always be grateful for these guys


Master member
I'm an old Fart, but very willing to learn from these Guys!!

I'm looking forward to getting a Legacy. I'm waiting until I can buy the Speed Build, because these people earned my Respect, and I want to contribute, no matter how small.

I've got several ideas for improvements that I've learned already!! Carbon Fiber Arrow Shafts for a bullet proof Spar. Extra thin Packing Tape for a durable outer skin, that's also waterproof!
At least 6 different ways of adding a steerable Tail Wheel, and 4 different ways of converting to Tricycle Landing Gear.

And Other YouTubers are constantly coming up with new ideas. Worth a look.
Last edited:


New member
...I'm not that impressed with the FT Legacy/Founders plane.

I don't have one so I'm obviously not judging based on that. I am mainly judging on my interest in the aircraft and if I think it's worth pursuing. I look at the FT Store and a good portion of the planes look cool, look fun to build, and I would imagine be fun to fly. The Founders plane just doesn't excite me. I do think it is cool that it can be a twin or single motor but it just doesn't jump out at me. Not sure if I'd ever pick one up or attempt to scratch build it.

It's not the only plane though...some others that don't interest me: Sparrow, Explorer, Bronco, and Cruiser.

*puts up shield to protect from haters*

Legacy was a political choice. They didn’t know the abilities of people that will fund the project so telemaster knockoff was a very safe choice. Especially with the plans for all the founders to fly together.
And since many learned to fly on a telemaster, I presume they thought it will appeal to majority. I’m flirting with an idea to scratch build one now haha


Building Fool-Flying Noob
@basslord1124 As you can see everyone has preferences and results may vary. Me, I like building... everything.

Most I can't fly for snot. Like I built a snub nosed versa wing that I just can't get the CG set right. I've heard only good things...
I love my Arrow, and the little time with my mini-A-pack Sea Duck, I loved. The trainer is solid, if the servos didn't keep coming unglued, and the scout and ugly stick/Bloody Barons are so much fun to fly. Viggen too. And I'm in love with the X-29. I think I will build another, this time with a 70mm. Now I'm rambling. Either way you get the picture - Different strokes for different strokes.

The legacy plane doesn't get me excited, but I do enjoy the options it represents.