So I came across Flite Test about a month ago. I have since built 10 different minis and have never even flown a plane before. I am almost done with a P47 regular size. That one seems like it will be fun but not the first one I will fly. What plane should I start to learn to fly with? I have been flying with a flight simulator daily for the past week and a half. Help I want to get a plane in the air.
If you have that many planes then you should jump in with one.
I recommend the one you have the least emotional attachment too, but it needs to be straight and balanced properly, preferably a tad nose heavy.
Make sure all the controls move in the right direction.
You can start by test gliding it over tallish grass. Set it up as if your going to fly it, put don’t power up the motor. Chuck it level at shoulder height. How it glides will give you a good idea how the trim is and what to expect in first flight.
Do you have an understanding of what the controls do?
1. Thrust provides for changing altitude. High thrust = climb. Low thrust = glide.
2. Elevator controls pitch, which doesn’t mean gaining height, unless you have thrust. Elevator can control speed at fix thrust settings.
3. Rudder controls Yaw, with 3 channels this allows for turns.
4. Ailerons control roll, for leveling wings, as well as rolling into turns.
If you know a proficient pilot, ask them to maiden Your plan and help you learn.
My two cents, from flying RC since 1982, and full scalre since 1992.