Inq'd Trainer


Elite member
Most of the successful 3D printed planes use a completely different design for internal reinforcement and single wall printing.

I have five of 3DLabPrint's airplane models from their earliest designs to their latest and I noted the changes in their internal structure. Their earliest with the wavy curved wall has given way to what looks almost like a full-size building techniques. Even with panel and rivet indentions... yet still all single wall printing.

In this project I've been experimenting with those features needed to still use single walls like adding stringers for flat panel areas, but still able to use the Cura Spiralize print settings. That, combined with Adaptive Layering gives some very nice prints with nicely rounded walls like the wingtips and rounded ends of elevators and rudders.

LWPLA is helping reduce the weight for 3D printing too. Need to complete a few of my 3D builds this winter to compare PLA to LWPLA.

I haven't experimented with LWPLA yet. It sounds intriguing and would definitely eliminate the oil-canning and buckling. But its both expensive and apparently a lot of people have trouble with it clogging the printer. I hate having to tear it apart. Using ABS, I am about midway in density between PLA and LWPLA. It's at least as strong as PLA and far tougher and is more tolerant of dings and crashes.