Build a giant scale RC airplane with protected props with a sole purpose of being a Combat Targe at FF'23. With a maiden flight test posted by the End of October '22 (as declare by phone October 5th) on our Youtubes, and shared here.
The International Miniature Aircraft Association(IMAA) sanctions Giant Scale flying events in the US. An RC aircraft must be a true quarter scale RC airplane, or have at least an 80 wing span to be considered Giant Scale by the IMAA. A bi-plane must have a minimum of 60 wing span. So the next time you see a plane advertised as IMAA legal, you'll know what that means!
While it isn't quite the rules we are measuring this too, it is the ballpark.BACKGROUND
I will admit, this is somewhat of a personal Design Challenge between myself and my friend Tim - @kilroy07
Tim and I, after FliteFest this Year ('22), had a similar realization, it didn't feel like there were many large Target-Sized Combat planes (There were some so please don't take any offense.) We both agreed, there needs to be some more.
As I learned in the Scouting Leadership courses; "Be the change you want to see in the world." -
So we agreed to do just that.
We agreed to design a protected-prop FT-Kraken or larger sized behemoth. However, both @kilroy07 and I have had life, and hobby choices keep us busy NOT tackling the challenge. It should be Giant-ish scale, (kraken size) and get combat-durable.
The main point is to post progress and egg eachother, and offer the VERY real threat of public Humiliation for Failure.
Help cheer us on, or join in! see you at the Finish line - @kilroy07 - GO!