Large Combat-Plane Design Challenge


Building Fool-Flying Noob


Build a giant scale RC airplane with protected props with a sole purpose of being a Combat Targe at FF'23. With a maiden flight test posted by the End of October '22 (as declare by phone October 5th) on our Youtubes, and shared here.
The International Miniature Aircraft Association(IMAA) sanctions Giant Scale flying events in the US. An RC aircraft must be a true quarter scale RC airplane, or have at least an 80 wing span to be considered Giant Scale by the IMAA. A bi-plane must have a minimum of 60 wing span. So the next time you see a plane advertised as IMAA legal, you'll know what that means!​
While it isn't quite the rules we are measuring this too, it is the ballpark.

I will admit, this is somewhat of a personal Design Challenge between myself and my friend Tim - @kilroy07
Tim and I, after FliteFest this Year ('22), had a similar realization, it didn't feel like there were many large Target-Sized Combat planes (There were some so please don't take any offense.) We both agreed, there needs to be some more.

As I learned in the Scouting Leadership courses; "Be the change you want to see in the world." - Ghandi (not what ghandi said)

So we agreed to do just that.

We agreed to design a protected-prop FT-Kraken or larger sized behemoth. However, both @kilroy07 and I have had life, and hobby choices keep us busy NOT tackling the challenge. It should be Giant-ish scale, (kraken size) and get combat-durable.

The main point is to post progress and egg eachother, and offer the VERY real threat of public Humiliation for Failure.

Help cheer us on, or join in! see you at the Finish line - @kilroy07 - GO!


Legendary member
You could have started it...where's your protoype Tim? :censored:
Well, I have two yardsticks sitting right here next to me... and I took today off to get this 3 day weekend free of "honey Dos"... and the CAD work is eh, about 70% (ish).... I haven't started on the 3D printed stuff, but now I've 3 printers currently going (one is doing LWPLA for the SR.)

So, two planes in 3 days... Sounds more like Your schedule!... LOL


Master member
Since I have done this a millenia ago with my sheet foam 6ft F 104, or the 2500 sq in combat tank flying wing, I would suggest something like one of sponz's bloody series at 20 magnification and make poeple have to work really really hard for a kill or at least be able to do a kill on something else. Nothing like a sharp turn just as the attacker poises to hit you, otherwise you could just program something with GPS to orbit, it would that much fun. Otherwise just hang a long streamer fly a circle pattern or take a nap.

Thinking about it some more, you also want multiple hit survivable because even a newbie gets lucky once and a while


Legendary member
Matt and I have had a couple calls about this, starting off two years ago at FF.

It started off with we wanted to do a joint project, Matt said "Let's make it BIG!"... I'd seen many big builds taken out by other planes striking the props of the big planes thus dropping them out of the sky. So I suggested enclosing the props and maybe modular (being able to swap the wings and center module to get back in the action) Matt said let's make it BIG! LOL at which point I asked if he'd ever done a Kraken.
I had once, then did some conversion to turn it to a pusher (which did not go well, the ailerons would divert the propwash making vertical control problematic.) Anyway, we both have a kit now and a ton of ideas to try out. Our hope is there will be a couple of these things at FF 23 duking it out as smaller planes destroy themselves trying to take one of ours out.

My original kraken although large had killer servos on it and it literally danced around the sky like a butterfly and was an awesome FPV platform, our hope is these will fly as good and not be just whales, but orca!

Plans to add entanglement streamers are also in the works.

I really hope the community continues to add and comment as we refine the design.

A quick note to @FoamyDM is that pic of your prototype?!! If so, that is awesome man!! I love the wing tips and tail (gonna steal it of course!) :LOL:


Active member
I’ve been thinking about a plane for FF23 but it’s not really a target plane so I don’t know if this is the place to post about it but I will anyway. The plane I’ll probably build for FF is the Lippisch P.13a its a ww2 German design, it was planed to be a ramjet intercepter fighter to be powered by COAL! The design was a late war effort to build cheap aircraft that would run on something other than oil because of major shortages, but the worst part is the aircraft was meant for ramming the allied bombers. That’s right, a ramjet meant for ramming other planes (perfect for combat) here’s a few pics of the original design.
The design never made it past a glider before the war ended (witch was probably a good thing)


Master member
My traditional combat ship is a U/C combat ship with rudders on the booms that protect the full flying stab, a thick structural leading edge and arrow shaft spars . Otoh, most of my kills are either diving or looping into opponents while others have sucess with turning kills and that means a different design.

On the dtfb front, the KFM3 wing has turned out to be mostly pole proof, tree proof and makes a decent crater in a plowed field. Then it's look at it and fly it again.


Building Fool-Flying Noob
My traditional combat ship is a U/C combat ship with rudders on the booms that protect the full flying stab, a thick structural leading edge and arrow shaft spars . Otoh, most of my kills are either diving or looping into opponents while others have sucess with turning kills and that means a different design.

On the dtfb front, the KFM3 wing has turned out to be mostly pole proof, tree proof and makes a decent crater in a plowed field. Then it's look at it and fly it again.
i made headway then peetered out on my large build, (leaving the Build table full - still.)
Do you have a link to the original thread. I people want to remake one, and bring it to FF'23, then sweet, For @kilroy07 and I there are certainly many design ideas.

For others who are new, here is a KFM-3 foil.

My final idea is to have something that resembles this.

In France, I had the opportunity to eat Skate. the Ray's much smaller distant cousin. (it looked Just like a Face hugger) with the many segmented finger-wings.

But the manta rays are more like a mesh. Below are the magestic creature's cartelige skeleton.
This site is an NPR story of a womon who night snorkels and sees the manta rays feeding near her.
This it the fodder for Creativity on my end. I hope it inspires you.
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Building Fool-Flying Noob
Considering Last (failed) small flying shark experiment, I may have an "under the sea-sky" set of Foam designs.
the flying Boat, the little Shark, this Manta Ray, the Pink Turtle I saw at FF'22 then looking at a jelly fish build if i can manage one.
Plus you can have a ton of those Flying Profile fish
like this... but a fish

ok, here's what I was thinking. Easy, simple quick, and fun to plaint.

or just make one of these.
This link has a Robot Manta-ray, and a flying Jellyfish robot:

I hope it has you thinking.
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Legendary member
Well, the first attempt at a 3D printed fan duct didn't work...
it's a nice print, but a "touch" too tight (as in the prop touches the walls) I thought 3 walls would be stiff enough, but it is too "squishy" for my liking. I've redesigned using plywood (I'll come back to this idea later... I'll be cutting foam in about an hour or so...


Building Fool-Flying Noob
sorry Thought I was Done: Festo is apparently THE robot manufacturer experimenting successfully with robot controll mechanisms of biomimicry. Air-Ray:

Looking Good @kilroy07! what size props?


Legendary member
sorry Thought I was Done: Festo is apparently THE robot manufacturer experimenting successfully with robot controll mechanisms of biomimicry. Air-Ray:

Looking Good @kilroy07! what size props?

You aren't done, that balloon wouldn't last 2 minutes in a FF combat!! :ROFLMAO:

Thanks, I'm reusing the power setup I had on my orginal Kraken, 2220 ky1350 swinging 9x6 prop in a pusher config (X2).