Its crappy when you find out, no shop close have any more foamboard in storage, and fastest delivery online couldnt deliver before end of month, start of next month...
Lucky enough, i had nearly enough to the topskin of the last wing. Fine tuning of some scrapfoam from the "garbage box" in connected edges, and some extra finishwork, the last part , right wing is also ready! A bit more work to shape the foam because the gluejoint dont bend similar as a plain foamboard with no cuts. Careful use of a heatgun did the trick.
Then next "sh**" showed up, a couple of the planned used 9g servos was suddenly crap, and not any other in my storage.
. Well, at least extra ones be delivered me in a few days.
Even if they was from a wrecked plane with no damage around the servos/cables, and worked then... they now got troubles. Cheap 9g servos cant be trusted..even if worked before....lucky did a check before glued in...