Flite is good

Are you planning on holding another BW Combat? If so, I think it is close enough to announce the event and start trash talking. Murphy's Law will be an Out Law this year. So the rest of the combatants will stand a fair chance at taking the trophy.


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
So somebody else is itching to knock some planes out of the air ;)

I'm planning on it . . . and it's just about time, but I've got at least two big posts ahead of it that I'm preparing for . . . but no sense not talking about it :)

Some of my thoughts:

The original plan was for a NASCAR like combat, where everyone was flying something very similar, but after playing with my BW last year, testing motors and props, I'm not as locked in that the motor really matters that much. Anything in this power range will be more than enough to make it turn on it's tail, and more won't make it more agile.

I'm considering relaxing the rules a touch -- I'd like to keep the battery and time requirement, since it forces pilots to manage their throttle if they want to stay airborne for 8 minutes, but the motor requirement, I dunno.

We've also seen a few new variants of the old Sig Wonder's lineage pop up in the past year, including one from HK. Sure, keep it a "Bloody Wonder" combat, but open the definition of who can fly a bit?

So what does everybody else think?


Flite is good
I aint sceered.

Last years rules, this years rules. In the end, it is all good fun and carnage.

I hope there are other combat events during FF2015. Any excuse to get into the air fly like a madman. Now I just need to create the flying grinder!


So somebody else is itching to knock some planes out of the air ;)

I'm planning on it . . . and it's just about time, but I've got at least two big posts ahead of it that I'm preparing for . . . but no sense not talking about it :)

Some of my thoughts:

The original plan was for a NASCAR like combat, where everyone was flying something very similar, but after playing with my BW last year, testing motors and props, I'm not as locked in that the motor really matters that much. Anything in this power range will be more than enough to make it turn on it's tail, and more won't make it more agile.

I'm considering relaxing the rules a touch -- I'd like to keep the battery and time requirement, since it forces pilots to manage their throttle if they want to stay airborne for 8 minutes, but the motor requirement, I dunno.

We've also seen a few new variants of the old Sig Wonder's lineage pop up in the past year, including one from HK. Sure, keep it a "Bloody Wonder" combat, but open the definition of who can fly a bit?

So what does everybody else think?

I built 3 new Bloody Wonder Mark IIIs over the winter just for this event. All 3 have different motors so I can see what works the best for me. Been looking forward to this event after reading about it after FF 2014.

I think that opening up the requirements will not effect the fun of the event as long as the planes are close to the same size. But this isn't that important.


FT CAD Gremlin
Staff member
I'll preface my comments by stating that I love flying combat. It is my favorite thing to do in this RC hobby. That stated, I was planning to enter my only prototype of the Bloody Baron in last years NAS-BWACC, but opted out for the following reasons:
  • I wasn't flying a "stock" Bloody Wonder and would not be eligible to win. That alone would not have kept me out of the competition however...because combat!
  • By the time of the NAS-BWACC event last year, I had obtained about 1/2 of the Flite Test crews signatures on my prototype Baron and I chickened out in fear that my souvenir might get destroyed.
  • Just before the NAS-BWACC, John Bixler asked me if FT could make a SBK version of my Bloody Baron and sell it on the FT store. I was still in shock and couldn't fly, so really, I blame Bixler. :p

This year, barring a natural disaster, I will be competing...because combat!

I would like to see the event opened up to include other similar designs. ;) I might be a little biased here, but I'd like to see the following eligible to compete and win this challenge:
  • Bloody Wonder MkIII (released)
  • Ugly Wonder (beta plans available, release prior to FF2015)
  • FT Bloody Baron (beta plans available, release TBD by FT)
All three of these designs are direct descendants of the FT Bloody Wonder.


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
hmmmm . . .

Perhaps if we change the name a touch?

Scratch (not "Stock")

That would cover a multitude of airframes, with a "scratch" restriction being it needs to be made from raw materials . . . SBK would count, but a molded wonder-clone from HK, not so much . . .

Not completely sold on this, but I think this could work . . .


Flite is good
hmmmm . . .

Perhaps if we change the name a touch?

Scratch (not "Stock")

That would cover a multitude of airframes, with a "scratch" restriction being it needs to be made from raw materials . . . SBK would count, but a molded wonder-clone from HK, not so much . . .

Not completely sold on this, but I think this could work . . .

If it results in combat carnage, its all good. Bring on the destruction... Muhahahahahaha!!!!


Active member
I won't be entering the NASBWACC, but I hope this year's event produces more actual "combat" than the general swarming around we saw last year. ;-)

How about designating a point on the field, and instructing combatants to keep their BWs above that point as much as possible? Last year everybody spread out all over the place, so maybe a reference point (such as a Flappy Dude or similar) might tighten up the swarm, and give us more of what we want... bits of foam falling out of the sky!! Mwahaahaaaa, etc.



Flite is good
I won't be entering the NASBWACC, but I hope this year's event produces more actual "combat" than the general swarming around we saw last year. ;-)

How about designating a point on the field, and instructing combatants to keep their BWs above that point as much as possible? Last year everybody spread out all over the place, so maybe a reference point (such as a Flappy Dude or similar) might tighten up the swarm, and give us more of what we want... bits of foam falling out of the sky!! Mwahaahaaaa, etc.


Don't be a chicken. All the cool people are gonna do it. Come show us how it's done. Lead the way.

Eight minutes of spine tingling adventure for the cost of an airframe, if you even hit anything.


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
Last years plan *WAS* to fly figure 8's around the floppy dudes . . . and no one paid any attention.

It was also suppose to be 8 minutes . . . but I don't think the guys announcing had a timer running.

. . . but everyone seemed to have fun anyways :)

Yes, there should be more carnage. This year Flying Monkey has volunteered to berate (in the kind and loving way we're all fond of) the pilots into Mutually Assured Destruction.

There will always be that pilot who just learned to fly and *wants* to combat, but lets face it, it's optimistic they stay in the air for 8 minutes without someone trying to knock them out of the air. They're more than welcome to fight -- you can't get more combat pilots if people don't start flying in combat -- but they tend to spread the furball. There was a higher percentage of those guys last year than typical combats, and while there might be less this year and in the future, we'll ALWAYS have more of those guys than other events. With any luck, FM can encourage them to fly a little more risky and keep the furball tight.


FT CAD Gremlin
Staff member
Even though there wasn't much in the way of contact for last years first annual NAS-BWACC, it was still awesome to behold that many Bloody Wonders in the air at the same time.


Flite is good
I've even been practicing tight figure 8's with Murphy's Law. Still no good at it. But I'll be in the mix none the less.


FT CAD Gremlin
Staff member
@CraftyDan - Are you going to get this added to the event schedule? ;)