So somebody else is itching to knock some planes out of the air
I'm planning on it . . . and it's just about time, but I've got at least two big posts ahead of it that I'm preparing for . . . but no sense not talking about it
Some of my thoughts:
The original plan was for a NASCAR like combat, where everyone was flying something very similar, but after playing with my BW last year, testing motors and props, I'm not as locked in that the motor really matters that much. Anything in this power range will be more than enough to make it turn on it's tail, and more won't make it more agile.
I'm considering relaxing the rules a touch -- I'd like to keep the battery and time requirement, since it forces pilots to manage their throttle if they want to stay airborne for 8 minutes, but the motor requirement, I dunno.
We've also seen a few new variants of the old Sig Wonder's lineage pop up in the past year, including one from HK. Sure, keep it a "Bloody Wonder" combat, but open the definition of who can fly a bit?
So what does everybody else think?