NEAT 2015


Anyone going to NEAT Fair 2015?
I know that it's a bit of a crabby old guy fest, but it's only a 2 hour drive for me.
I've been there the last 2 years only to watch, but I might give it a try this year even if I just fly in the Mass War-bird Launch.
That's the best part of the show anyway.


Maker of skins and decals for foam board RC planes
I'm going. Popup camper on the flight line with a generator. Bring my FT Storch for that warbird launch.


Saturday at NEAT

I am planning on going just for Saturday, getting there before the noon demos and leaving after taking in a bit of night flying. Long day.
Working on resurrecting my FT Spitfire one last time for the war-bird launch.
Not sure what else I'll bring maybe a couple mighty minis and a bloody wonder.
Need to rebuild the kids wagon to haul stuff about.