Nebraska is Central.. isn't it?


New member
Out of all the clubs here, our little one (Bellevue RC Aeromodelers) has an affection for Flite-Test and the Viggen especially. We've made quite a few and also some Bloody Wonders, Versas, and others.

Anyway, if anyone else likes them (any of the scratch builds), come on out... heck, come on out anyway - bring something to fly and have a ball. We fly through the winter so cold is not an issue. Fortunately, the weather is breaking and we have some clear skies coming. The Viggen flies in most winds and is such a blast that we've become obsessed with it. We have the Light version and several EDF models including a couple of 12 blade EDFs.

Here is a YouTube link to one of our flights:

Here is our club website:
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Looking for a club


I was looking for fellow fliers and was hoping there would be some within 50 miles or so and it turns out your club is right in my town of Bellevue. I just got into rc planes and built a FT Mustang. When is the next meeting for your club?

Thank you!


New member
Northeast Nebraska

I am in Northeast Nebraska, I belong to the Norfalcons RC club. Norfolk Nebraska. I have built several Flitetest planes. Bloody Baron, Baby Blender, Duster, and Vector Mighty Mini. All flew well all still in flying condition.

I will try to stop in some time when in the Omaha area and bring one or two with me.



New member
Been a while since I checked this. Anyone interested in flying at Bellevue, go to Haworth and fly! The website with contacts is


Junior Member
Hey FYI there will be a RC swap meet in Fremont. Details in the flyer.


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